The Order Create message includes the ORDER_CREATE_HDR030_DATA segment. This data segment consists of billing details for the Order Create message.

The format and the source of the fields for ORDER_CREATE_HDR030_DATA are described in the following table. For field lengths, use the table below. For a description of a database column, follow the link to its associated table.

Field Name Field Type Table Name Column Name Note
NC_HDR030 VersionNumber CHAR (2) N/A N/A Fixed value of 01.
NC_BillTo LastName CHAR (30) ADDRESS LASTNAME Bill to person's last name.
NC_BillTo MiddleName CHAR (30) ADDRESS MIDDLENAME Bill to person's middle name.
NC_BillTo FirstName CHAR (30) ADDRESS FIRSTNAME Bill to person's first name.
NC_BillTo Addr1 CHAR (50) ADDRESS ADDRESS1 Bill to person's address line 1.
NC_BillTo Addr2 CHAR (50) ADDRESS ADDRESS2 Bill to person's address line 2.
NC_BillTo Addr3 CHAR (50) ADDRESS ADDRESS3 Bill to person's address line 3.
NC_BillTo City CHAR (30) ADDRESS CITY Bill to person's city name.
NC_BillTo State CHAR (20) ADDRESS STATE Bill to person's state, province, or equivalent, abbreviated.
NC_BillTo Country CHAR (30) ADDRESS COUNTRY Bill to person's country/region.
NC_BillTo ZipCode CHAR (20) ADDRESS ZIPCODE Bill to person's zip code or equivalent.
NC_BillTo Email1 CHAR (254) ADDRESS EMAIL1 Bill to person's primary e-mail or URL address.
NC_Billto Email2 CHAR (254) ADDRESS EMAIL2 Bill to person's secondary e-mail or URL address.
NC_BillTo Phone1 CHAR (30) ADDRESS PHONE1 Bill to person's primary phone number.
NC_BillTo Phone2 CHAR (30) ADDRESS PHONE2 Bill to person's secondary phone number.
NC_BillTo Fax CHAR (30) ADDRESS FAX1 Bill to person's facsimile number.