HCL Commerce Version or later

HCL Unica Discover integration

HCL Unica Discover records what your customers are seeing on your store web pages and how they interact with store pages. HCL Unica Discover provides deep behavioural insights into the online journey of users who visit your store. You can use these insights to create positive experiences for the users that make them want to visit your store again.

By integrating with HCL Unica Discover you can:
  • Detect and address user struggles in real time.
  • Improve user experience, through capturing and analyzing behavioral data.
  • Obtain visibility into business impact & opportunities.
Note: HCL Commerce integration with HCL Unica Discover is supported only for the React Stores.

For more information about HCL Unica Discover, see https://help.hcltechsw.com/UnicaDiscover/12.1.0/en/index.html


How does the integration work?

When a user opens a store page in the browser, the React Store application calls the GET /wcs/resources/store/{storeId}/features API to verify if integration with HCL Unica Discover is enabled for the store. If integration is enabled for the store, the discoverui.js file is loaded into the browser to enable collection of user data.

Setting up the integration

Before you can set up the integration, HCL Unica Discover must be installed and configured. For more information, see the HCL Unica Discover documentation.

To integrate HCL Commerce with HCL Unica Discover, complete the following tasks:

Managing privacy rules in HCL Unica Discover

For information about managing sensitive customer data, see Editing Privacy through Manage Services in the HCL Unica Discover documentation.


User interaction in the My Account > Administrative Tools section of the B2B Reference Store application is not captured by HCL Unica Discover.