- GetPickPackListDetail command
This command retrieves pick ticket and packing list information for the Inquire_WCS_PickPackListDetail XML message.
- NewInboundMessage command
The NewInboundMessage command is used for customized inbound messages (for example through IBM MQ) that are not implemented using the user_template.xml inbound message template definition file. The command is run when the adapter does not recognize an inbound message. This means that it is neither a legacy message nor an XML message defined in the sys_template.xml or user_template.xml inbound message template definition files. Initially, the NewInboundMessage command contains no programming statements, so you must customize the command yourself.
- OrderConfirmStatus command
The OrderConfirmStatus command is used when an Update_WCS_OrderStatus XML message with an OrderStatusType tag value of OrderConfirm is received from a back-end system. The command updates information regarding the confirmation status of an existing order. It has the same parameters, behavior, and exception conditions as the OrderStatus command. The only difference between the two commands is that the OrderConfirmStatus command sets the value of the orderStatus parameter to a default value of C which means the order has been confirmed if it is not provided in the message.
- OrderInvoiceStatus command
The OrderInvoiceStatus command is used when an Update_WCS_OrderStatus XML message with an OrderStatusType tag value of OrderInvoice is received from a back-end system. The command updates information regarding the invoice status of an existing order. It has the same parameters, behavior, and exception conditions as the OrderStatus command. The only difference between the two commands is that the OrderInvoiceStatus command sets the value of the orderStatus parameter to a default value of I which means the order has been invoiced if it is not provided in the message.
- OrderStatus command
The OrderStatus command is used when an Update_WCS_OrderStatus, Update_NC_OrderStatus, or Order Status Update message is received from a back-end system. The command updates information regarding the status of an existing order.
- ProductInventoryUpdate command
The ProductInventoryUpdate command is used to update product inventory for the Update_NC_ProductInventory message, Update_WCS_ProductInventory message, or Product Quantity Update message.
- ProductListPriceUpdate command
The ProductListPriceUpdate command is used to update product price information for the Update_WCS_ProductPrice XML message. The command is used to update information in the HCL Commerce database regarding the listed price of a product.
- ProductOfferPriceUpdate command
The ProductOfferPriceUpdate command is used to update product price information for the Update_WCS_ProductPrice, Update_NC_ProductPrice, and Product Price Update messages.