Starting the Transaction server Docker container by retrieving parameters from Vault

Learn about how to start the Transaction server Docker container by specifying CONFIGURE_MODE=Vault.

Mandatory environment variables

These are the mandatory environment variables that you must specify to configure the Transaction server Docker container to retrieve additional parameters from Vault.

  • You can also specify datasource credentials through the start up command if you do not want to retrieve the datasource values from Vault.
  • The /SETUP/bin/ script retrieves the values from Vault.
Environment variable name Description Comments
TENANT The name of the group that contains your set of environments. For example, MyCompany. Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.tenant.
ENVIRONMENT The name of the environment. For example, Non-production. Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.environmentName.
ENVTYPE The environment type. Accepted values are auth and live. Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.environmentType.
VAULT_TOKEN The Vault token to use to connect to Vault and request certification from Vault PKI. Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.vaultToken.
VAULT_URL The Vault URL to use to connect to Vault and request certification from Vault PKI. Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.vaultUrl.
CONFIGURE_MODE The configure mode.
Accepted values are:
  • Vault for Vault configuration.
  • EnvVariables for environment variables configuration.
Set this value to Vault to use Vault configuration, and the configurations present within this reference.
Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.configureMode.
ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED Specify whether the Elasticsearch-based search solution is in use for the deployed environment.
Accepted values are:
  • true for the Elasticsearch-based search solution.
  • false for the Solr-based search solution.
The default value is true.
Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml under common.searchEngine.
  • When the value of searchEngine is set to elastic, then the ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED environment variable is set to true.
  • When the value of searchEngine is set to solr, then the ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED environment variable is set to false.
The default value is elastic.

Optional environment variables

These are the optional environment variables that you can specify to configure the Transaction server Docker container.

All parameters that you specify as container environment variables take precedence over the values that are stored in Vault.

Environment variable name Description Comments
EXPOSE_METRICS Specify if you want to enable metrics for the environment.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabled.
  • false for disabled.
The default value is set to true.
Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under metrics.enabled.
HCL Commerce Version or laterLDAP_ENABLE Specify if you want to enable LDAP for the environment.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabled.
  • false for disabled.
The default value is set to false.
Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under:
  • ldap.auth.enabled
HCL Commerce Version or laterLDAP_USE_VMM_PROPERTIES_FILE Specify that if enabled, LDAP should be configured by use of the file.
For more information, depending on your deployment type, see:
Container environment variable. This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under:
  • ldap.auth.useVmmPropertiesFile 
LOCALSTOREWEB The web server host name of a local store if you migrated from IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 or IBM Websphere Commerce Version 8.
Note: This is mandatory if you are using a migrated local store.
Container environment variable.

This can be specified in the values.yaml configuration file under common.localStoreEnabled.

HCL Commerce Version or laterTX_QUICK_START A method to enhance the speed of the Transaction server start-up time. This option allows you to run all WebSphere Application Server admin Run Engine commands in parallel, instead of sequentially.
Available options are:
  • true to enable parallel processing of Run Engine commands.
  • false to disable parallel processing of Run Engine commands.
The default value is false.
Container environment variable. This can be specified in values.yaml under tsApp.quickStart.enabled. The default value is false.

Mandatory Vault configuration variables

These are the mandatory Vault key values that you must specify within Vault to configure the Transaction server Docker container to use the Vault configuration mode.

Vault path Description Reference Environment Variable
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/merchantKeyEncrypted The encrypted merchant key, encrypted with the key encryption key. The merchant key was created when you or an administrator loaded the HCL Commerce database schema.
For more information, see:
Important: You must specify your own merchant key and key encryption key values for the security of your HCL Commerce installation. Do not use the default values contained within the provided sample configuration files and documentation examples.
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/keyEncryptionKey The plain text key that is used to encrypt the merchant key. The key encryption key is required to be 32 characters. KEY_ENCRYPTION_KEY
HCL Commerce Version or laterNote: Now mandatory, this value was optional prior to HCL Commerce
The encrypted session key value is generated using utility to encrypt 32 random hexadecimal characters.
Note: Do not specify an encryption key when running
The Session key is used to encrypt cookies and sensitive customer facing data. For example, the krypto URL parameter.
Important: You must specify your own session key for the security of your HCL Commerce installation. Do not use the default value contained within the provided sample configuration files and documentation examples.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/authJWKS Specify a value to set the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) and key ID on the Transaction server. This is used to sign and validate the JSON Web Token (JWT).

To generate a JWKS, see the generateJWKS utility.

HCL Commerce Version or laterNote: This value is optional as of HCL Commerce
The spiuser user name.

HCL Commerce Version or laterIf the value is not defined, then spiuser is used.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/spiUserPwd The ASCII encrypted spiuser user password.

To set the password in your custom Docker containers, see Setting the spiuser password in your Docker images.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dbHost The database host name for the environment.
Note: This value is only mandatory in the auth environment for WCPublishDataSource.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dbPort The database port number.
Note: This value is only mandatory in the auth environment for WCPublishDataSource.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dbName The database name.
Note: This value is only mandatory in the auth environment for WCPublishDataSource.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dbUser The HCL Commerce database user name.
Note: This value is only mandatory in the auth environment for WCPublishDataSource.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dbPassword The HCL Commerce database user password.
Note: This value is only mandatory in the auth environment for WCPublishDataSource.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dbaUser The database administrator user name. DBAUSER
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dbaPassEncrypt The encrypted database administrator user password. DBAPASSENCRYPT
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/elasticSearchEnabled Specify whether the environment uses Elasticsearch-based search or Solr-based search.
Accepted values are:
  • true for Elasticsearch-based search.
  • false for Solr-based search.

Optional Vault configuration variables

These are the optional Vault key values that you can specify within Vault to configure the Transaction server Docker container when used with the Vault configuration mode.

Vault path Description Reference Environment Variable
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dbSSLEnable Specify whether the database connection uses SSL.
Accepted values are:
  • true for an SSL connection.
  • false for an unencrypted connection.
The default value is false.
Note: You can also specify datasource credentials through the start up command if you do not want to retrieve the datasource values from Vault.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dbXA Specify if the XA function is enabled for the database.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabled.
  • false for disabled.
The default value is false.
Note: You can also specify datasource credentials through the start up command if you do not want to retrieve the datasource values from Vault.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dbType The database type.
Accepted values are:
  • db2 for IBM Db2 Database.
  • oracle for Oracle Database.
The default value is db2.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/kafkaServers Specify a value if you want to enable ZooKeeper and Kafka.
The format for this key-value pair is:
"kafkaServers": server1:port1,server1:port2
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/kafkaTopicPrefix Specify a value if you want to config ZooKeeper and Kafka. If no value is specified, the following default value is applied.


${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/kafkaAuthenticationUserId The Kafka authentication user ID. KAFKA_AUTHENTICATION_USERID
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/kafkaAuthenticationPassword The Kafka authentication user password. KAFKA_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/traceSpecification/ts-app If you want to change the trace specification for the Transaction server, specify a value. TRACE_SPEC
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/traceFileMaximumSize/ts-app The size of the trace log file, in MB. The accepted value is an integer in the range from 1 to 20000 (20,000). By default this value is set to 20. TRACE_SPEC
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/traceFileMaximumNumber/ts-app The maximum number of historical trace files. The accepted range is from 1 to 50. By default this value is set to 5. TRACE_SPEC
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/healthCenterEnable/ts-app Specify a value if you want to enable Health Center.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabling Health Center.
  • false for not enabling Heather Center.
The default value is false.
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/zooKeeperServers Specify a value if you want to enable ZooKeeper and Kafka.
The format for this key-value pair is:
"zooKeeperServers": server1:port1,server2:port2
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/enableJsonLogging Enable JSON logging.
Accepted values are
  • true to enable JSON logging.
  • false to disable JSON logging.

The default value is false.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/jdbcMonitorEnable/ts-app Specify whether to enable the JDBC monitor.
Accepted values are:
  • true to enable the JDBC monitor.
  • false for disable the JDBC monitor.

The default value is false.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/domainName Specify the internal service domain name. If the deployed environment is on a special namespace on Kubernetes, then the domain name should be .svc.cluster.local.

If no value is specified, then the default, default.svc.cluster.local, is used.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/externalDomainName This value specifies the store-web external domain name, which can be recognized by your browser.

For example, in the hostname, is the external domain name.

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/storeDomainMapping This value specifies the store name to domain name mapping. Using this value can map one store to multiple domain names.

The format that is used is sitename=domainname;sitename=domainname; ....

For example,;;;

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/autoOrderCommentEventListenerEnabled Enable or disable the auto order comment event listener.

By default this value is set to false.

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/useSemiColonForMarketplaceCSVDelimiter Enable or disable the use of a semi-colon ';' as the Marketplace CSV file delimiter.

By default this value is set to false.

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/inventoryShowActualQuantity In a non-ATP inventory system with the noCheck parameter set for a catentry inventory (a value of 2 in the database), the API returns 1.0 as the quantity.

To show the actual quantity, set this value to true.

By default this value is set to false.

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/allowedHost Specify white-listed host names for an associated module name. Host names are delineated by a comma, modules are delineated by a semi-colon.,;,

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/allowedDomain Specify white-listed domain names for an associated module name. Domain names are delineated by a comma, modules are delineated by a semi-colon.,;,

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/approvalBaseUrl The Approval server base URL that is used by the Tooling Web Docker container.

The format of the approval base URL https://cmc-domain:port

For example,

If this value is not specified, the Approval server base URL is obtained from the Tooling root, that being all characters before the first slash.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/toolingBaseUrl This value is used by Management Center to load tooling single page application (SPA) from the tooling web server.


HCL Commerce Version or laterNote: If you are using the Sapphire B2B headless store and need to launch the tooling in-store for approval, it is required to set up ingress so that the tooling web server can be hit through the store domain. For example,

Once ingress is enabled, you must configure toolingBaseUrl to use the store domain.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/xcHost Specify a value if you want to set a host name for the Customization server, instead of using the default value. XC_HOST
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/xcPort Specify a value if you want to set a port number for the Customization server, instead of using the default value. XC_PORT
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/previewPort Specify a value if you want to set previewPort, instead of using the default value.

The default value is 443.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/storeHost Specify a value if you want to set a value for the Store server Commerce Remote Store (CRS) store host, instead of using the default value.

The default value is the crs-app service name.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/storePort Specify a value if you want to set a value for the Store server Commerce Remote Store (CRS) store port, instead of using the default value.

The default value is 8443.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/storeWebHost Specify a value if you want to set storeWebHost, instead of using the default value.


${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/storeWebPort Specify a value if you want to set storeWebPort, instead of using the default value.

The default value is 443.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/reactStoreWebHost Specify a value if you want to set reactStoreHost, instead of using the default value.


${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/reactStoreWebPort Specify a value if you want to set reactStorePort, instead of using the default value.

The default value is 443.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/reactStorePreviewHost Specify a value if you want to set reactStorePreviewHost, instead of using the default value.

The default value is store-preview.${TENANT}${ENVIRONMENT}${ENVTYPE}${EXTERNAL_DOMAIN_NAME.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/reactStorePreviewPort Specify a value if you want to set reactStorePreviewPort, instead of using the default value.

The default value is 443.

${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/reactStoreServiceHost Specify a value if you want to set reactStoreServiceHost, instead of using the default value. REACT_STORE_SERVICE_HOST
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/reactStoreServicePort Specify a value if you want to set reactStoreServicePort, instead of using the default value.

The default value is 443.

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dxHost The hostnames for either the auth or live instances of HCL Digital Experience (DX). This is required to integrate HCL Commerce with DX.
  • This integration is only supported on a Kubernetes deployment.
  • If you have followed the instructions to pass in the HCL Commerce store domain name for the Host Override value when deploying DX, then HCL Digital Experience will share the same domain name as the HCL Commerce store. For more information, see Integrating HCL Digital Experience with HCL Commerce.
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dxPort The port number for the HCL Digital Experience (DX) auth or live instance. The default value is set to 443 if the DX hostname has been set and there is no custom value specified. DX_PORT
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/dxScheme The scheme for the HCL Digital Experience (DX) auth or live instance. The default value is set to https if the DX hostname has been set and there is no custom value specified. DX_SCHEME
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/marketingEventListenerEnabled Enable the marketing event listener.
Accepted values are:
  • true to enable the listener.
  • false to disable the listener.

The default value is false.

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ssoEnable Specify whether to enable or disable single sign-on (SSO).
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabling SSO.
  • false for disabling SSO.

The default value is false.

For more information, see Enabling single sign-on.

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ssoDomain Specify the domain name that contains a set of hosts to which SSO applies.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabling SSO.
  • false for disabling SSO.

The default value is false.

This key value is required to be defined if ssoEnable is set to true.

For more information, see Enabling single sign-on.

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ssoSSL Specify whether an SSL connection is used for SSO requests.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabling SSL for SSO requests.
  • false for disabling SSL for SSO requests.

This key value is required to be defined if ssoEnable is set to true.

For more information, see Enabling single sign-on.

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ssoKeepAliveSession Specify whether to enable or disable the single sign-on (SSO) keepAliveSession feature on the Transaction server.
Accepted values are:
  • true for enabling the keepAliveSession parameter.
  • false for disabling the keepAliveSession parameter.

The default value is false.

For more information, see Enabling single sign-on.

Note: Required when using the Solr-based search solution (ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED is false).
The Search server host name.
Note: This parameter is only required with the solr-based search solution auth environment. The default value is the solr search master service name.
Note: Required when using the Solr-based search solution (ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED is false).
The Search server host name.
Note: This parameter is only required to be defined within the live environment. The default value is the solr search slave service name.
Note: Required when using the Solr-based search solution (ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED is false).
The Search server host name.
Note: This parameter is only required to be defined within the live environment. The default value is the solr search repeater service name.
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/queryHost The Search server host name for the Elasticsearch-based search solution. Specify a value if you want to set queryHost, instead of using the default value. SEARCH_HOST
Deprecated featureNote: Deprecated in HCL Commerce Use ${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/queryHost.
Specify a value if you want to set a queryHost value, instead of using the default value.
Note: This keypair was replaced by queryHost in all releases HCL Commerce and greater.
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/queryPort The Search server port number for the Elasticsearch-based search solution. Specify a value if you want to set queryPort, instead of using the default value.

The default value is 30901.

Deprecated featureNote: Deprecated in HCL Commerce Use ${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/queryPort.
Specify a value if you want to set a queryPort value, instead of using the default value.
Note: This keypair was replaced by queryPort in all releases HCL Commerce and greater.
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/queryScheme The Search server scheme for the Elasticsearch-based search solution. Specify a value if you want to set queryScheme, instead of using the default value.

The default value is https.

Deprecated featureNote: Deprecated in HCL Commerce Use ${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/querySchema.
Specify a value if you want to set a queryScheme value, instead of using the default value. SEARCH_SCHEME
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/ingestHost Specify a value if you want to set an ingestHost value, instead of using the default value. INGEST_HOST
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/ingestPort Specify a value if you want to set an ingestPort value, instead of using the default value. INGEST_PORT
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/ingestScheme Specify a value if you want to set an ingestScheme value, instead of using the default value. INGEST_SCHEME
Note: Required when using the Elasticsearch-based search solution (ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED is true).
Specify an elasticSearchHost value. ELASTICSEARCH_HOST
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/elasticSearchPort Specify a value if you want to set an elasticSearchPort value, instead of using the default value. ELASTICSEARCH_PORT
${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/elasticSearchScheme Specify a value if you want to set an elasticSearchScheme value, instead of using the default value. ELASTICSEARCH_SCHEME
Note: Required when using the Elasticsearch-based search solution (ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED is true).
Specify the Search Query server to be used by Tooling.

The format of the Search Query base URL is https://query-domain:port.

Note: Required when using the Elasticsearch-based search solution (ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED is true).
Specify the Search Data Query server to be used by Tooling.

The format of the Search Data Query base URL is https://data-query-domain:port.

Note: Required when using the Elasticsearch-based search solution (ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED is true).
Specify the number of shards to store the indexes for that environment, within the Elasticsearch service. The default value is 1.
Note: Required when using the Elasticsearch-based search solution (ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED is true).
Specify the number of replicas for indexes for that environment, within the Elasticsearch service. The default value is 0.
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapType
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The LDAP server type.
Accepted values are:
  • IDS for IBM Directory Server
  • DOMINO for IBM Lotus Domino
  • SUNONE for Sun Java System Directory Server
  • AD for Microsoft Windows Active Directory
  • NDS for Novell Directory Services
  • CUSTOM for a custom directory server
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapHost
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The fully qualified LDAP server host name. LDAP_HOST
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapPort
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The LDAP server port number. LDAP_PORT
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapSSL Specify whether the LDAP server requires an SSL connection.
Accepted values are:
  • true for SSL.
  • false for no SSL.
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapBindPassword
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The LDAP bind password XOR encoded by the WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty securityUtility utility.
For example:
securityUtility encode --encoding=xor passw0rd

For more information on the securityUtility utility, see securityUtility command in the WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty documentation.

HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapBindDN
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The LDAP bind distinguished name (DN). The value must be in lower case. LDAP_BIND_DN
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapBaseDN
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The LDAP search base distinguished name (DN). The value must be in lower case. LDAP_BASE_DN
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapRootOrgDN
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The full distinguished name (DN) that maps to the HCL Commerce root organization. The value must be in lower case. LDAP_ROOT_ORG_DN
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapDefaultOrgDN
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The full distinguished name (DN) that maps to the HCL Commerce default organization. The value must be in lower case. LDAP_DEFAULT_ORG_DN
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapLoginProp
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The LDAP property names that are used to log into the application server. LDAP_LOGIN_PROP
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapRealmName
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
Specify a value for the Realm name, instead of using the default value.

The default value is myrealm.

Note: If you are integrating with HCL Digital Experience, you must use the same Realm name for both.
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapUserPrefix
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The LDAP user prefix. LDAP_USER_PREFIX
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapUserFilter
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The LDAP user search filter. Only used for the custom LDAP type. LDAP_USER_FILTER
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/ldapDefaultOrgDN
Note: Required when using LDAP (LDAP_ENABLED is true).
The full distinguished name (DN) that maps to the HCL Commerce default organization. The value must be in lower case. LDAP_DEFAULT_ORG_DN
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/mqEnable Specify whether to enable IBM MQ integration.
Accepted values are:
  • true for IBM MQ integration.
  • false for no IBM MQ integration.
The default value is false.
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/mqHost
Note: Required when using IBM MQ (mqEnable is true).
The hostname of the IBM MQ server. MQ_HOST
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/mqPort
Note: Required when using IBM MQ (mqEnable is true).
The port number of the IBM MQ server. MQ_PORT
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/mqQueueManagerName
Note: Required when using IBM MQ (mqEnable is true).
The IBM MQ Queue Manager used by HCL Commerce to connect to the IBM MQ server. MQ_QUEUE_MANAGER_NAME
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/mqErrorQueueName
Note: Required when using IBM MQ (mqEnable is true).
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/mqInboundQueueName
Note: Required when using IBM MQ (mqEnable is true).
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/mqSerialInboundQueueName
Note: Required when using IBM MQ (mqEnable is true).
The IBM MQ Queue Name to process messages in series. MQ_SERIAL_INBOUND_QUEUE_NAME
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/mqParallelInboundQueueName
Note: Required when using IBM MQ (mqEnable is true).
The IBM MQ Queue Name to process messages in parallel. MQ_PARALLEL_INBOUND_QUEUE_NAME
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/mqOutboundQueueName
Note: Required when using IBM MQ (mqEnable is true).
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/mqEnableActivitySessionTimoutPeriod
Note: Required when using IBM MQ (mqEnable is true).
HCL Commerce Version or later${VAULT_URL}/${TENANT}/${ENVIRONMENT}/${ENVTYPE}/mqMaxConnection
Note: Required when using IBM MQ (mqEnable is true).
The maximum number of connections allowed with IBM MQ. MQ_MAX_CONNECTION