Starting the Customization server Docker container with default configurations

Learn how to start Customization server Docker container without specifying the CONFIGURE_MODE parameter.

To start the container with default configurations, run the following command.
docker run -it -e LICENSE=accept xc-app
When you start by using the default configurations, the Customization server Docker container image name is xc-app.

Default host name

When you start by using the default configurations, the Customization server Docker container host name is xc.

Mandatory environment variables

These are the mandatory environment variables that you must specify to configure the Customization server Docker container.

Parameter name Description Configuration
SPIUSER_NAME Your SPIUSER name. The default value is spiuser.
HCL Commerce Version or laterNote: This value is optional as of HCL Commerce
Container environment variable/Vault
SPIUSER_PWD The encrypted password for the spiuser. For more information, see Setting the spiuser password in your Docker images. Container environment variable/Vault
ADMIN_SPIUSER_PWD The ADMIN_SPIUSER_PWD must be the same value as SPIUSER_PWD but kept as plain text. Container environment variable/Vault

Optional environment variables

These are the optional environment variables that you can specify to configure the Customization server Docker container.

Parameter name Description
SSLPort The remote store page redirect secure port.
NONSSLPort The remote store page redirect non-secure port.
ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS Works with KAFKA_SERVERS, if you want to configure the container to catch validation.
HEALTH_CENTER_ENABLED Specify whether Health Center is enabled. Accepted values are true and false.

The default value is false.

EXPOSE_METRICS Specify if you want to enable metrics for the HCL Commerce environment.

Code example

docker run -it -e LICENSE=accept  \
    -e SPIUSER_NAME=<your spiuser-name, default is spiuser> \
    -e SPIUSER_PWD=<your spiuser password that you encrypted with>
    <Customization Docker image>