Customization server Run Engine commands
Use the following Run Engine commands to configure the Customization server Docker container.
. If you want
to implement custom logic or override existing configurations, ensure that the
necessary parameters can be resolved by the commands during startup.Description | Command |
Set the connection to the Transaction server | run set-transaction-server
Set the connection to the Search server | run set-search-server <hostName>
The SPI username and password is used for
inter-component server API invocation only. The
spiuser is configured in the Store
server, Search server and Customization server, and used in the API
invocation from those servers to the Transaction server. The images
need to be configured with the spiuser
password, otherwise the component servers cannot connect to the
Transaction server. Sets JVM property: spi.username, spi.password |
run set-spi-user <userName>
Based on cloudAccout name, user name, password, userType, accoutAlias to create JNDI entry for this Cloudant account. | run add-cloudant-account <cloudantAccount>
<userName> <password> <accountAlias>
Update Cloudant account information. | run update-cloudant-account <cloudantAccount>
<userName> <password> <accountAlias>
Add a database connection datasource. |
run add-datasource <jndi>
<dbHost> <dbPort>
<dbPass> <xa>
Add JNDI entry. | run add-jndi-entry <name> <value>
Update userregistry.xml to create a new user registry. | run add-spi-registry <registryId> <username>
Update jvm.options to add new JVM properties. | run add-system-property <name> <value>
Update WebSphere Liberty home and server name for Run Engine configuration properties. | run generate-config-properties <LibertyHome>
Retrieve the start state of an application in the Liberty server. If the application is not started within 3 minutes, error code 1 is returned. | run get-status <application_name>
Remove SPI registry form userregistry.xml. | run remove-spi-registry-user <registryId>
<username> [<group>]
Copy trace setting file (logging.xml) to WebSphere Liberty server home. Default location is /SETUP/server/root/logging.xml | run reset-trace-specification |
Update initHeapSize and maxHeapSize in jvm.option file. | run set-heap-size <initHeapSize> <maxHeapSize>
Update jndi.xml to create or update a JNDI entry. | run set-jndi-entry <name> <value>
Configure Kafka. |
Note: The zookeeper
servers are being used for script backward compatibility, hence
this parameter should be ignored.
entry. |
run set-session-key <sessionKey>
Add JVM property. | run set-system-property <name> <value>
Change trace log directory. | run set-trace-log-directory <directory>
Change trace level. | run set-trace-specification <spec>
Update JNDI entry. | run update-jndi-entry <name> <value>
Update isClientSideRedirectSupported attribute. | run update-oidc-client-side-redirect-supported
Update context path for OIDC configuration. | run add-oidc-context-root <contextRoot>
Update OIDC redirect server host name. | run update-oidc-redirect-server-host <serverHost>