HCL Commerce Version or later

Change Log

HCL Commerce 9.1.10

  • Fix: HC-14694 - Improve hcl-cache-benchmark messages when Redis is down (avoid NPE)
  • Fix: HC-14782 - Do not call getMemoryUsagePercentageFromInfo when maxMemoryPercentage is not used
  • Fix: HC-15596 - Nullpointer exception when DynaCache trace is enabled
  • Improvement: HC-15129 - Adjustments to maintenance
  • Improvement: HC-15154 - Use custom logic instead of Redisson Lock (used in LowMemoryMaintenance)
  • Feature: HC-14863 - Implement sharding
  • Feature: HC-16395 - Implement inactivity
  • Feature: HC-16081 - New option for SSL: sslTruststore: ${WEBSPHERE_TRUSTSTORE_PATH}

HCL Commerce 9.1.9

  • Fix: HC-12835 - Cannot set timeout longer than 30 days
  • Improvement: HC-13285 - Implement HCL Cache subscribe watchdog
  • Improvement: HC-11572 - LocalHclCacheLocalHclCache - Reduce time spent checking for expired entries
  • Improvement: HC-13542 - Improve LocalHclCache Concurrency

HCL Commerce 9.1.8

  • Fix: HC-12605 - Invalidation messages missing when dependency id has less than 25 entries
  • Fix: HC-12123 - Circuit Breakers for when Redis is not available during startup
  • Improvement: Local Cache: Move timeout processing into a separate thread
  • Feature: HC-11746 - Enable dependency directives (skip_local, skip_remote)