HCL Commerce Version or later

HCL Cache Manager

The HCL Cache Manager provides a set of REST interfaces to interact with the cache, additional monitoring metrics, and a set of utilities.

REST interfaces

In addition to APIs to clear and invalidate cached data, the Cache Manager includes APIs that can be used to retrieve cache entry and dependency details for debugging information.

Issuing a cache clear on baseCache:

curl -X 'DELETE' 'https://cache.demoqalive.hcl.com/cm/cache/clear?cache=baseCache' 
Table 1. Redis information REST API:
Method Path Description
GET /cache/health-check Service health check.
GET /cache/redisNodeInfo Redis topology information.
Table 2. Invalidate and clear REST API:APIs to clear and invalidate caches:
Method Path Description
DELETE /cache/invalidate Invalidates by dependency ID.
DELETE /cache/clear Clears the specified caches.
DELETE /cache/clearall Clears all registered caches.
DELETE /cache/clearRegistry Registry clear.
DELETE /cache/publishInvalidation Issues a invalidation id (PUBSUB) to local caches but does not clear the remote cache (for debugging purposes).
Table 3. Cache information REST API:The following APIs are used for monitoring or debugging:
Method Path Description
GET /cache Returns a list of all the registered caches and current sizes.
GET /cache/size Remote size for cache.
GET /cache/id/byDependency Returns a list of cache IDs associated to a dependency ID (for debugging).
GET /cache/id/byIds Returns cache entry details for the specified ID (for debugging).

Installing Cache Manager

The Cache Manager pod must be enabled during installation in values.yaml by configuring with enabled: true.

  name: cache-app
  enabled: true

For high availability, you might choose to run redundant cache manager pods.

Accessing Cache Manager

Cache Manager can be accessed with port-forwarding or by enabling Ingress. The Swagger API is available under the path /openapi/ui/#/.

Port forwarding
  1. Start port forwarding to the Cache Manager service.
    kubectl port-forward -n commerce service/demoqalivecache-app 40901:40901
  2. Access the HCL Cache Manager Swagger/ API using localhost and path /openapi/ui/#/.
Ingress access can optionally be enabled in values.yaml for both authoring and live environments. The cache manager endpoints do not implement authentication. Only enable access through ingress definitions that are internal and restricted.
      enabled: true
      domain: cache.{{ $.Values.common.tenant }}{{ $.Values.common.environmentName }}auth{{ $.Values.common.externalDomain }}
      enabled: true
      domain: cache.{{ $.Values.common.tenant }}{{ $.Values.common.environmentName }}live{{ $.Values.common.externalDomain }}


The HCL Cache Manager makes available additional remote-only APIs, which are used from the HCL Cache - Remote dashboard:

Metric Use
hclcache_cache_size_current{ scope="remote" } Size of remote cache in entries.
hclcache_cache_size_maintenance Number of expired keys pending maintenance.
hclcache_cache_remote_node_mapping Mapping between HCL Cache caches and Redis nodes.
See Monitoring for details.


The Cache Manager pod also makes available a number of cache utilities for benchmarking, debugging, and configuration. They are available under the /SETUP/hcl-cache/utilities/ directory. For more information, see HCL Cache utilities.