Buyers to Approve page (B2B)
Buyer Administrators for a B2B organization can use the Buyers to Approve page to view a list of self-registered buyers who are awaiting approval. Buyer Administrators can search for, approve, or reject buyers.
Buyer (user registration) approvals can be enabled or disabled for an organization by editing the Approvals section on the Organization Details page (B2B).
Note: Buyers are not automatically notified when their request is approved or rejected. Also, if a
Buyer Administrator disables buyer approvals, buyers who were already awaiting approval must still
be approved.
Elements of the Buyers to Approve page

JSP files
The page layout is built with widgets that use the Commerce Composer framework to retrieve and display content. However, the page is not managed in the Commerce Composer tool, and not all the widgets are available to Management Center users in the Commerce Composer tool.- BuyerApprovalDisplay.jsp represents the whole page.
- 1 BreadcrumbTrail.jsp* is the top-level JSP file for the Breadcrumb Trail widget, which displays the breadcrumb trail.
- 2 MyAccountNavigation.jsp is the top-level JSP file for the My Account Navigation widget, which displays the My Account sidebar and its navigational links.
- 3 BuyerApprovalList.jsp is the top-level JSP file for the Buyer Approval List widget, which displays the list of buyers and approval status.
Links and buttons
- 4 Search options
- Expand or hide search fields.
- 5 Search
- Returns a list of buyers that match the search criteria.
- 6 Clear Results
- Deletes all search criteria and displays a list of all buyers.
- 7 View all requests
- Returns a list of all buyers (approved, rejected, and pending).
- 8 View pending
- Returns a list of buyers that are waiting approval.
- 9 View approved
- Returns a list of buyers that were approved.
- 10 View rejected
- Returns a list of buyers that were rejected.
- 11 Approval ID
- Opens the Buyer Approval Details page (B2B) of the selected buyer.
- 12 View details
- Opens the Buyer Approval Details page (B2B) of the selected buyer.
- 13 Approve
- Approves the buyer registration request and creates the buyer account. The buyer can sign in and shop under the selected organizations and assigned roles.
- 14 Reject
- Rejects the buyer registration request and does not create the buyer account. The buyer is denied access to the store and cannot sign in.