Content pages
The term content page refers to a store page that is managed in
the Commerce Composer tool but that is not a catalog page. An example is the About Dress
Designer page.
Screen captures
The following screen shows how a responsive content page adapts to desktop, tablet, and mobile devices:
Desktop screen capture

Tablet screen capture

Mobile screen capture

Page, layout, and template information
Page name | The name of the assigned page. For example, AboutDressDesigner. |
Page type | Content page |
Layout name | StaticContentLayout |
Template name | Any page, five slots, right sidebar |
Template type | Responsive Templates |
Assigned pages | This layout applies to the following content pages by default:
The following wireframe is used by default for the responsive
content pages in the Commerce Composer tool:

Widget information
Slot | Widget Name | Widget Type | E-Marketing Spot or Content Name |
1 | BreadcrumbTrailWidget | Breadcrumb Trail Widget | Breadcrumb Trail Widget |
2 | HeaderLeftBannerContentWidget | E-Marketing Spot Widget (Common) | HeaderBanner_Content_Left |
3 | HeaderRightBannerContentWidget | E-Marketing Spot Widget (Common) | HeaderBanner_Content_Right |
4 | ContentRecommendationWidget | E-Marketing Spot Widget (Page-specific) | PageMainAd |
5 | CatalogEntryRecommendationWidget | E-Marketing Spot Widget (Common) | ShoppingCartRight_CatEntries |