HCL Commerce search keyword matching behavior

The Customer submits search trigger matches only on separate words in the customer's search.

For example, if the rule has: contains computer, the following are the trigger rule evaluation results for different search phrases:
Sample phrases and result
Sample search phrase Result
Laptop computer Match
Computer mouse Match
Computers No match
The handleNoExactMatchForSearchMarketingSpot() method has been defined in GetMar-ketingSpotDataCmdImpl that you can override to customize the behavior. Iterate through all the defined search spots for contains/starts/ends matches:

 * This method returns the e-Marketing Spot object that corresponds to the e-Marketing
 * Spot name used in the Get MarketingSpotData request. For search e-Marketing Spots,
 * the e-Marketing Spot name is the search term entered by the customer. 
 * Before this method is called, the entire search term is checked for any defined
 * search e-Marketing Spots. If no search e-Marketing Spot is found, then this
 * method is called. This method has the following behavior:
 * If the customer search term has multiple words, then iterate through each word,
 * one at a time, starting with the first word.  Check if the individual word has a 
 * defined search e-Marketing Spot. For each word that has a defined
 * search e-Marketing Spot, then the associated search activities will be used.
 * For example, there is a search activity defined for the keyword 'computer'. 
 * The customer is performing a search for 'laptop computer special'.
 * <ul>
 * <li>First check for search e-Marketing Spot for 'laptop computer special'.</li>
 * <li>If none found, first check for search e-Marketing Spot for 'laptop'.</li>
 * <li>Next check for search e-Marketing Spot for 'computer'.</li>
 * <li>A search e-Marketing Spot is found, so use the search activities associated
 * with that e-Marketing Spot.</li>
 * <li>Next check for search e-Marketing Spot for 'special'.</li>
 * </ul>
 * For a customization, you may want to change the behavior so that the match is
 * not done on an individual keyword, but instead is on the entire search term. This
 * method can be overridden to implement that behavior. In that scenario, the following
 * three methods can be used:
 * <ul>
 * <li><code>MarketingEngineCache.singleton().getSearchEMarketingSpots(Integer storeId)</code>:
 * Use this method to get the set of currently defined search e-Marketing Spots. You
 * can go through the entire map and find the e-Marketing Spot that matches
 * the customer search term according to the custom requirement.</li>
 * <li><code>MarketingEngineCache.singleton().getEmarketingSpot(String name, String usage, Integer storeId)</code>: 
 * Use this method to return the applicable e-Marketing Spot object.</li>
 * <li><code>foundMatchForSearchMarketingSpot(eSpot, storeId, pznId)</code>: For each 
 * search e-Marketing Spot, call this method to call the search activities associated with
 * this e-Marketing Spot.
 * </ul>
 * <p>The following is an example of how to find matches where the desired search term
 * (which is stored in the search e-Marketing Spot names)
 * can be found anywhere in the customer's search term (which is the emsName parameter
 * passed into this method).
 * <pre>
		CampaignInitiativeCache.CachedEMarketingSpot returnESpot = null;
		Integer [] relatedStores = Substitution-Helper.getStorePath(MarketingMetadata.MARKETING_STORE_RELATIONSHIP);
		for (int i = 0; i < relatedStores.length; i++) {
			Map storeSearchSpots = MarketingEngine-Cache.singleton().getSearchEMarketingSpots(relatedStores[i]);
    		Iterator storeSearchSpotsIterator = storeSearchSpots.keySet().iterator();
    		while (storeSearchSpotsIterator.hasNext()) {
    			String spotName = (String)storeSearchSpotsIterator.next();
    			if (emsName.contains(spotName)) {
    				CampaignInitiativeCache.CachedEMarketingSpot eSpot = 
    					MarketingEngine-Cache.singleton().getEmarketingSpot(spotName, usage, relatedStores[i]);
					if (eSpot != null) {
						// found a partial match spot
						foundMatchForSearchMarketingSpot(eSpot, storeId, pznId);
						returnESpot = eSpot;
		return returnESpot; 
 * </pre>
 * @param emsName The name of the e-Marketing Spot in the Get MarketingSpotData request.
 * @param usage The usage of the e-Marketing Spot in the Get MarketingSpotData request.
 * @param storeId The ID of the store.
 * @param pznId The customer's personalization ID.
 * @return This method returns the e-Marketing Spot object for which to run the
 * search activities. This method may use activities from several search e-Marketing,
 * however, only one of the search e-Marketing Spots needs to be returned. If this method
 * did not use activities from any search e-Marketing Spots, then null should be returned.
public CachedEMarketingSpot handleNoExactMatchForSearchMarketingSpot(String emsName, String usage, Integer storeId, String pznId)