Viewing the statistics of an experiment
You can view the statistics for experiments while they are running, to determine how the experiment is progressing. You can also view the statistics for completed experiments.
- Open the Marketing tool.
From the explorer view, click Activities.
The Activities - List page opens.
- Right-click the activity that contains the experiment for which you want to review the statistics; then click Open.
- Click the Experiment element.
The experiment's properties display in the properties view.
- Click the Statistics tab.
The statistics for each path display in a table.Note: For experiments that recommend either a bundle or a category that includes bundles: If a customer purchases one or more items from the bundle, neither the order nor its revenue will be included in the statistics for the associated experiment test element. In other words, data in the following columns on the Statistics tab will not be updated: View Orders, View Revenue, Click Orders, and Click Revenue.
In an extended site, the statistics reflect the results in only the current store.