Export Marketing Statistics utility

This utility exports marketing statistics to an XML file.

Attention: Instead of following the procedure in this topic, you can use the DownloadStatistics scheduled job to transfer your marketing and search rule statistical data from your production environment to your staging environment. For more information, see Scheduling the DownloadStatistics job to copy marketing and search statistics.

Export Marketing Statistics

ID Resolve Syntax Diagram
  1. The preceding diagram is intended primarily as a reference for the command parameters. The command file or script that is provided for this command and listed in Copying statistical data from the production environment acts as a wrapper to the actual Java command and accepts the same parameters; therefore, it is recommended that you use the command file or script rather than invoke the Java command directly.
  2. File names that are specified as parameters for this command can be preceded by relative or absolute paths.

Parameter values

The type of database that you are using, DB2 or Oracle.
The name of your database. This name identifies the host name of the database server, the port number of the server, and the system ID. -Njdbc:db2://db:serverport/dbname where db2 is the database type, db is the server name, serverport is the database server port number, and dbname is the name of the database. For example,
where "db2" is the db type, "db" is the server name, "50000" is the db port, and "mall" is the dbname.
DB2For example, with DB2 you would enter something like the following:
./ExportStats.sh -DDB2 -Njdbc:db2://db:50000/mall -Uwcs -Pwcs1 -Fsearchdata.xml -Tsrchstat

OracleIdentify the database by using the following format: hostname:port:sid. This name identifies the host name of the database server, the port number of the server, and the system ID

The user ID of the database owner.
The password for the database owner ID.
The path and name of the output file with an .xml extension (if no path is specified, the default is the current directory).
The name of the database table that you want to export. The table to export depends on your requirements from among the following choices:
  • DMELESTATS for Web activity and experiment statistics
  • DMEMSPOTSTATS for e-Marketing Spot statistics
  • DMEXPSTATS for experiment statistics
  • SRCHSTAT for search statistics