Opening WebSphere Commerce Accelerator

Use WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to maintain online stores by completing various store operations such as creating and maintaining orders and tracking store activities.


Many administrative functions in WebSphere Commerce Version 8.0 are impacted by browser limitations imposed by legacy WebSphere Commerce administration tools.

The affected tools include:
  • WebSphere Commerce Organization Administration Console
  • WebSphere Commerce Administration Console
  • WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
  • You cannot access these tools on Apple macOS.
  • These tools incur restrictive end-user browser limitations, requiring one of the following:
    • A Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser configured for compatibility mode;
    • Google Chrome with a third-party extension, IE Tab, designed to emulate legacy Microsoft Internet Explorer behavior;
    • Microsoft Edge with a third-party extension, IE Tab, designed to emulate legacy Microsoft Internet Explorer behavior.

Before you begin

On the workstation where you are using WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, set up the display:
  • Set the screen area to a minimum of 1024 x 768 pixels.
  • Set the color depth to a minimum of 256 colors.

Also, disable or remove any pop-up blocking software. Pop-up blocking software prevents the display of WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

To open WebSphere Commerce Accelerator:

About this task

  • Do not reload a page or return back to a previous page when you are using WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. That is, do not use the refresh shortcut (F5) or right-click and select the Refresh or Back options for the browser while you are using WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. If you reload a window after you enter some data, the data will be lost.
  • Once you complete your WebSphere Commerce Accelerator tasks, log out of WebSphere Commerce Accelerator so that the session expires, rather than simply closing the browser. To log out, click Logout from the history (upper left corner of WebSphere Commerce Accelerator). When you log out, your SSL cookie is dropped and you no longer have secure access to WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. This step is important if WebSphere Commerce Accelerator is used by multiple users on a single workstation with different authorities since logging out prevents unauthorized access.


  1. Start WebSphere Commerce Accelerator:
    • Access the following web address in your browser: https:// host_name:8000/accelerator Where host_name is the fully qualified WebSphere Commerce web server host name. The host name might be a virtual host name on the Web server
    • WebSphere Commerce Developer
      1. Ensure you have started WebSphere Commerce within the WebSphere Commerce development environment.
      2. Access the following Web address in your browser: https:// host_name/webapp/wcs/tools/servlet/ToolsLogon?XMLFile=common.mcLogon Where host_name is the fully qualified WebSphere Commerce development environment Web server host name. The host name might be a virtual host name on the Web server.

    • WebSphere Commerce Enterprise From one of the WebSphere Commerce starter stores, select one of the following links:
      • From an Extended Site hub, select Manage Store.
    • If you are using the Management Center:
      1. Open the Management Center.
      2. Select Management Center > WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. WebSphere Commerce Accelerator opens in a separate browser window. Since you already logged on to the Management Center:
        • If you already have WebSphere Commerce Accelerator open, that browser window is in focus.
        • If you did not have WebSphere Commerce Accelerator open, you are taken directly to the Select Store and Language page within WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. Proceed to step 2b.
  2. Log on to WebSphere Commerce Accelerator:
    1. From the WebSphere Commerce Logon page, type your WebSphere Commerce user name and password. WebSphere Commerce Developer The default user name and password are both wcsadmin. The Select Store and Language page is displayed.
      Note: If only one store, one language, and one or no fulfillment center is defined, then the Select Store and Language page does not display. You go directly from the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator logon page to the home page.
    2. Specify the name of the store you want to work with. If you are authorized to work with a single store, the store name is preselected. Otherwise, complete one of the following steps:
      • From the Store name list, select the name of the store.
      • If there are numerous stores to list, the system might prompt you to use the options under Find a store to search for a store:
        1. Under Find a store, in the Store name field, type the all or part of the store name and from the list beside this field, select how you want the system to perform your search.
        2. Click Find.
      • To list all stores you are authorized to work with, select List All.
    3. If you are assigned a role with fulfillment duties, from the Fulfillment center list, select the name of the fulfillment center that is associated with the store.
    4. From the Language to work in list, select the language in which you want to administer the store. If you are authorized to work with a single language, the language is preselected. If you are authorized to work with more than one of the WebSphere Commerce supported languages, the store's default language is preselected; however, you can select a different language from this list.
    5. Click OK. The WebSphere Commerce Accelerator home page is displayed. Select the menu and menu option you want to work with.