Completing the live database migration
After you successfully migrate your live database to version 8.0, there are final database tasks to complete before you can switch your traffic over to the version 8.0 environment.
Update your SRCHCONF to contain the new version 8.0 preprocess directory.
Update your SRCHCONFEXT tables to contain the new search web server host name: by running the
following command:
Where:update SRCHCONFEXT set CONFIG = replace(CONFIG, 'old_hostname', 'new_hostname');
- old_hostname
- The fully qualified host name of the version 7.0 search web server.
- new_hostname
- The fully qualified host name of the version 8.0 search web server.
If you used catalog filters and pricing rules in version 7.0 and plan on using those functions
in version 8.0, you need to enable them manually.
If you customized any searchable attributes in version 7.0 and plan to use them in version 8.0,
you must update KEYS table for the SRCHATTR table by running the following SQL command:
update keys set counter = case when (select max(srchattr_id) from srchattr) > counter then (select max(srchattr_id) from srchattr) else counter end where tablename = 'srchattr'
- Restart the WebSphere Commerce Version 8.0 server.
- Update your database to the latest Mod Pack and Fix Pack level by running the updatedb utility.