Restoring the WebSphere Commerce Version 7.0 database to WebSphere Commerce Version 8.0
While you prepared your WebSphere Commerce Version 7.0 production environment for migration, you backed up your version 7.0 production database. Restore your WebSphere Commerce Version 7.0 database backup to your WebSphere Commerce version 8.0 environment. By restoring your version 7.0 database to your version 8.0 environment, you are replacing the database that was created during the version 8.0 instance creation process. After you complete the database restore, your version 8.0 instance will be using a copy of your production database. You can then test the database and application migration before you migrate your live database.
Before you begin
On your version 7.0 database, run the following command:
drop user vcw_instance_name cascade;
- If you are migrating the WebSphere Commerce database from one system (source) to another system (target), copy the source database backup to the target environment, and then restore it to the target database.
- Drop the database that was created during the version 8.0 instance creation process. Unless you specified otherwise during instance creation, the default database name is mall.
Restore your database backup to your Version 8.0 environment by using one of the following
Restore your DB2 database
See the database vendor documentation.
Note: When you restore the Oracle database, the character sets are automatically converted to AL32UTF8.
Note: When you restore your database, use the same database name for both version 7.0 and version 8.0.