
Opening the Configuration Manager on AIX and Linux

The Configuration Manager provides a graphical interface for configuring a WebSphere Commerce instance.

Before you begin

If you are modifying an existing WebSphere Commerce instance, ensure that the WebSphere Application Server management server (for example, server1 or dmgr) is started successfully. Ensure that it is running before you modify instance-specific properties in Configuration Manager. For more information about starting the server, see Starting and stopping WebSphere Commerce.


  1. Start the Configuration Manager server by completing the following steps:
    1. Log in as root.
    2. Open a terminal window.
    3. Issue the following command:
      xhost + host_name
      where host_name is the fully qualified domain name of the system on which you want to run the Configuration Manager.
      Note: When you start the Configuration Manager over an X-client such as Exceed, the xhost command must be issued from the console terminal, while the other commands are issued from a terminal session in the X-client. When you use an X-client, host_name is the fully-qualified domain name of the X-client system.
    4. Issue the following command:
      su - wasuser_ID
      where wasuser_ID is the non-root user ID created before you installed WebSphere Commerce. The default WebSphere Application Server user name is wasuser.
    5. Issue the following commands:
      export DISPLAY=host_name:displayNumber.screenNumber
      cd WC_installdir/bin
      • host_name is the fully qualified domain name of the system on which you want to run the Configuration Manager.
      • displayNumber.screenNumber is the number on the top of your terminal window. Your terminal might contain a displayNumber only.
      For example, if your terminal shows both a displayNumber and screenNumber such as 0.0, then issue a command similar to the following
      • export DISPLAY=myhostname:0.0
      If your terminal shows a single digit such as 1, then issue a command similar to the following
      • export DISPLAY=myhostname:1
      • To ensure that the Configuration Manager server and Client are secure, you can use the -protocol SSL command line option.
      • Do not close the terminal window where you entered the command or the Configuration Manager server stops.
      • Do not run the Configuration Manager server as a background process - this is a potential security risk.
      • Do not leave the Configuration Manager server running unless there is a client connected - this a potential security risk.
  2. Start the Configuration Manager client by completing the following tasks:
    1. Open another terminal window.
    2. Issue the following command:
      xhost + host_name
      where host_name is the fully qualified domain name of the system on which you want to run the Configuration Manager.
    3. Issue the following command:
      su - wasuser_ID
      where wasuser_ID is the non-root user ID created before you installed WebSphere Commerce. The default WebSphere Application Server user name is wasuser.
    4. Issue the following commands:
      export DISPLAY=host_name:displayNumber.screenNumber
      cd WC_installdir/bin
      ./[-protocol SSL]
      • host_name is the fully qualified domain name of the system on which you want to run the Configuration Manager.
      • displayNumber.screenNumber is the number on the top of your terminal window. Your terminal might contain a displayNumber only.
      Note: To ensure that the Configuration Manager server and client are secure, you can use the [-protocol SSL] command line option. If this the [-protocol SSL] option is used, both the client and the server must use it.
  3. In the Configuration Authentication window, enter the Configuration Manager user ID and password and click OK.