Adding languages to the WebSphere Commerce instance in Configuration Manager

To add languages to the WebSphere Commerce instance by using Configuration Manager.


  1. Open the Configuration Manager
  2. From the left navigation panel, expand the folder named node_name
  3. Expand the folder named Commerce.
  4. Expand the folder named Instance List.
  5. Expand the folder named instance_name.
  6. Expand the folder named Instance Properties.
  7. Expand the folder named Database.
  8. Click on the entry named database_name.
  9. Select the Languages tab.
  10. Select the language XML file you want to add to the instance from the Available languages list on the left side.
  11. Click the arrow that points to the Selected languages list. The language you have chosen should now be listed in the Selected languages list.
  12. Click Apply to save your changes.


The Help documentation for the Language page in Configuration Manager contains more information about configuring languages in WebSphere Commerce. For more information, click the Help button on the page.