You can use the Configuration Manager client to connect to and shut down the
Configuration Manager server.
Shut down the Configuration Manager server by using the following method:
Log in as the non-root user.
Open a command shell.
Navigate to the WC_installdir/bin directory.
Run the
utility with the -shutdownServerOnly
command line option.
example: [-protocol SSL] -shutdownServerOnly
[-protocol SSL]
is an optional parameter to be used only if the server was started
with the SSL protocol
Shut down the Configuration Manager server by using the following method:
Log in as a user in the Administrators group.
Open a command prompt.
Navigate to the WC_installdir\bin directory.
Run the
utility with the
command line option.
For example:
config_client.bat [-protocol SSL] -shutdownServerOnly
[-protocol SSL]
is an optional parameter to be used only if the server was started
with the SSL protocol.
Shut down the Configuration Manager server using the following method:
Using a command prompt on the system on which the Configuration Manager client is installed,
change to the Configuration Manager directory.
Run the
utility with the -shutdownServerOnly
command line option.
For example:
configClient.bat -hostname IBM_i_host_name [-port server_port_number] [-protocol SSL] -shutdownServerOnly
[-protocol SSL]
is an optional parameter to be used only if the server was
started with the SSL protocol.
is the fully qualified host name of the
server. Ensure the host name is entered in the same letter case as specified in the CHGTCODMN
is the port number on the IBM i server on
which the Configuration Manager is listening. You need to specify this value only if the server is
listening on a non-default port. The port parameter is optional, but if it was specified in the
command, it needs to be specified here.
If the output in the command window is similar to the following example, then either the
Configuration Manager server was not running (is already stopped) or there was an error reaching it:
Cannot connect to the configuration manager server. Check to ensure the server is running or that
the specified host name and port are correct.
you get output in the command window similar to the following example, then the Configuration
Manager server has been stopped successfully
INFO: For security reasons, the Config Manager Server will now be stopped.