You can customize the catalog entry details page for a
catalog entry type to use merchandising association enhancements to
the productViewHandler REST service and the categoryNavigationView
noun. By customizing your catalog entry details pages to use the enhanced
REST service, you can define the specific merchandising association
types that return for each type of catalog entry. By default all merchandising
associations that are associated with a catalog entry are displayed
when a shopper views the catalog entry details for a catalog entry.
- Go to the following directory, which contains the catalog
entry details JSP files for each catalog entry type.
- WC_installdir/Stores/WebContent/store_name/ShoppingArea/CatalogSection/CatalogEntrySubsection
store_name is the name of your store
directory, for example,
- Open the catalog entry details JSP file for editing for
the catalog entry type that you want to customize.
- For products or SKUS, open the ProductDisplay.jsp file.
- For bundles, open the BundleDisplay.jsp file.
- For SKUs, open the ItemDisplay.jsp
- For static kits, open the PackageDisplay.jsp file.
- For dynamic kits, open the DynamicKitDisplay.jsp file.
- For predefined dynamic kits, open the PDKDisplay.jsp file.
- Customize the catalog entry details JSP file to define
the merchandising associations that are to return for that catalog
entry type.
- In the JSP file, find the code that calls the default
productViewHandler REST service. Search the file for the
response.For example, in the
BundleDisplay.jsp file,
the following code defines the call to the REST service.
<wcf:rest var="catalogNavigationView" url="${searchHostNamePath}${searchContextPath}/store/${WCParam.storeId}/productview/byId/${productId}" >
<wcf:param name="langId" value="${langId}"/>
<wcf:param name="currency" value="${env_currencyCode}"/>
<wcf:param name="responseFormat" value="json"/>
<wcf:param name="catalogId" value="${WCParam.catalogId}"/>
- Add a parameter within the REST call definition to specify
the specific merchandising association type that is to return for
the catalog entry.
Add the following code to include this
merchandising association type parameter.
<wcf:param name="associationType" value=""/>
- Specify a value for the
You can include a single merchandising association type or use a loop
to include multiple types as the value.You can include
the following values to identify a merchandising association type
that is provided by default with WebSphere Commerce.
- Indicates that accessories that complement the selected catalog
entry are to return.
- Indicates that an up-sell suggestion is to return to suggest a
better catalog entry for the shopper to consider purchasing.
- Indicates that a cross-sell suggestion is to return to suggest
other catalog entries for the shopper to purchase in addition to the
catalog entry that the shopper is viewing.
- Indicates that a replacement catalog entry is to return.
For example, the following parameter
indicates that only merchandising associations that have the type
UPSELL are to return:
<wcf:param name="associationType" value="UPSELL"/>
define a loop to include multiple merchandising association types,
use the following format:
<c:forEach var="maType" items=" ">
<wcf:param name="associationType" value="${maType}"/>
Where the value for the attribute
the association types to return, for example:
<c:forEach var="maType" items="UPSELL,X-SELL,ACCESSORY">
<wcf:param name="associationType" value="${maType}"/>
- Save and close the file.
- Verify that your catalog page displays only the merchandising
associations that you customized the productViewHandler REST service
to return.
- Open your store in a web browser.
- Browse your store and open the catalog entry details
page for a catalog entry that matches the correct catalog entry type.
- Verify that the only merchandising associations that
display match the merchandising associations types that you customized
the REST service to return.