Feature Pack 8

REST services in storefront JSP files

The responsive Aurora starter store and site widget JSP files consume REST resources using the wcf:rest tag.

In contrast, previous versions of the storefront (Feature Pack 4 - 7) use a combination of BOD services (wcf:getData tag) and data beans (wcbase:useBean tag).

Storefront REST tags

The wcf:rest tag is used in the storefront to send REST requests.

For more information, see ../../com.ibm.commerce.component-services.doc/refs/rwvwcfresttag.html.

JSON support in JSP file tags

In addition to SDOs, the responsive Aurora starter store supports fetching JSON objects, reducing the dependencies on SDOs fetched elsewhere on the JSP files.

The following tags are updated to support JSON objects:

Updated JSON support in JSP file tags

Category Tag
  • CartBaseTag
  • MemberBaseTag
  • OrderBaseTag
  • CampaignBaseTag
  • TagEMarketingSpotCache
Page Composer
  • JSIncludeTag
  • WidgetImportTag