Viewing current charges
You can view current and total charges for an order or quote.
- Log on to the IBM Sales Center.
- Select a store.
- Find the order or quote for which you want to view charges.
- Click the Payment page.
- View the current and total charge information in the following
- Items
- Current and total charges for all items in the order or quote without shipping charges, taxes, or other adjustments.
- Shipping
- Current and total shipping charges for all items in an order.
Note: Shipping charges are not displayed for quotes.
- Adjustments
- Current and total adjustments caused by miscellaneous discounts or charges associated with the order or quote.
- Taxes
- Current and total taxes charged for all items in an order.
Note: Tax charges are not displayed for quotes.
- Grand total
- Current and total charges for the order or quote.
Note: The grand total does not include shipping or tax charges for quotes.