WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce Professional

Adding a context menu action

The default IBM Sales Center actions are defined by the com.ibm.commerce.telesales.ui.actionSetGroups extension-point. This extension point allows you to specify a list of actionSet IDs and an ID for the whole group. When a IBM Sales Center perspective is loaded, it will use a predefined ID to determine which action set group to use. This section explains how to add a context menu action.

About this task

To add a new menu item to a context (popup) menu:


  1. Create a new plug-in to contain your customizations.
  2. In your new plugin, add the org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus extension point. This base Eclipse extension point allows you to define an action. Refer to the Eclipse platform documentationfor more information.


Tip: If the menu item will appear only when a specific object type is selected, define an objectContribution element. If the menu will appear on a specific view regardless of the selected object, then create a viewerContribution element. In general, the selected IBM Sales Center objects are instances of the model object classes found in the com.ibm.commerce.telesales.model package in the com.ibm.commerce.telesales.core plug-in.