WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce Professional

Extending a menu action

The default IBM Sales Center actions are defined by the com.ibm.commerce.telesales.ui.actionSetGroups extension-point. This extension point allows you to specify a list of actionSet IDs and an ID for the whole group. This section explains how to extend a menu action.


  1. Extend the action's implementation class using the API documentation for that class as a reference. In this sample, the logon action is extended:
    package extensions;
    import com.ibm.commerce.telesales.ui.impl.actions.LogonAction;
    public class ExtendedLogonAction extends LogonAction {
             * Override the run method to perform an extended logon
             * @see org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction#run()
            public void run() {
                    System.out.println("Extended Logon Action");
  2. Define your own extension to the actions extension point. The extension is defined in a new plug-in called extensions:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?eclipse version="3.0"?>
          <configurator path="config"/>
    <!-- Register actions -->
       <extension point="com.ibm.commerce.telesales.ui.actions">
          <action id="extensions.ExtendedLogonAction"
  3. Use the system configurator extension point to indicate that the new menu action will be used instead of the default IBM Sales Center menu action. Note that by default, all menu items delegate their real work to an action registered with com.ibm.commerce.telesales.ui.actions. Therefore once that action is overridden, the behavior of the menu item that delegates to that menu item is overridden as well.