Feature Pack 4 or later

Dynamic caching in mobile Web starter stores

Mobile Web starter stores enable dynamic caching by default, similar to other WebSphere Commerce starter stores. With Dynamic caching, the server load is reduced, as significant segments of the page do not have to be retrieved from the server on every new page display.

To ensure the dynamic cache service is enabled, see Enabling the dynamic cache service and servlet caching.

For configuration information, see Configuring the dynamic cache service.

Caching strategy

The following caching strategies are used in mobile Web starter stores:

Cached full page views

Cached full pages on smart phones include the following views:
  • m20Index
  • m20TopCategoriesDisplayView
  • m20CategoriesDisplayView
  • m20ProductDisplayView
  • m20HelpBrowsing
  • m20HelpMyAccount
  • m20HelpOrderTracking
  • m20HelpReturnPolicy
  • m20ContactUs
  • m20PrivacyPolicy
Cached full pages on tablets include the following views:
  • tIndex
  • tTopCategoriesDisplayView
  • tCategoriesDisplayView
  • tProductDisplayView
  • tProductQuickView
  • tHelpView
  • tPrivacyView

Cached common pages

Cached common pages on smart phones include the following JSP files:
  • CachedHeaderDisplay
  • CachedSearchHeader
  • CachedUserPanelFooter
  • CachedFooterDisplay
  • Categories
  • ItemAvailability
Cached common pages on tablets include the following JSP files:
  • MiniShopCartDisplay
  • CachedFooterDisplay

Mobile Web starter stores cachespec.xml files

You can view the cachespec.xml file in the following directories:

For smart phones:
  • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIXWindowsWC_installdir/samples/dynacache/Madisons/mobile20
  • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir/samples/dynacache/Madisons/mobile20
For tablets:
  • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIXWindowsWC_installdir/components/store-enhancements/samples/dynacache/Madisons/tablet
  • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWC_installdir/components/store-enhancements/samples/dynacache/Madisons/tablet
Note: If you are using Extended Sites or have renamed the store directory to something other than Madisons, you need to edit the cachespec.xml file and replace all instances of Madisons with your new store directory name.

The default cachespec.xml files contain basic caching examples for the catalog browsing pages and static pages. It should be modified accordingly to meet your store's specific caching requirements, and the invalidation rules copied manually. It is recommended to cache responses that are common to all customers such as category browsing, and not those that can be different to customers such as shopping carts. See Adding sample invalidation policies to your store's cachespec.xml file for more information.