Deprecated feature

Cassette for BankServACH object reference

The object model of the Cassette for BankServACH closely reflects the generic model of WebSphere Commerce Payments. This section describes each of the cassette extensions to the various framework objects, as well as new objects defined exclusively by the cassette.

The WebSphere Commerce Payments query command set allows merchant software to search for and retrieve the data objects maintained in the WebSphere Commerce Payments database. The results of each query call are returned in the form of an XML PSApiResult document. Cassette for BankServACH object extensions appear in these documents as extensions to the generic objects of the framework.

Each of the framework's generic financial objects is extended by the Cassette for BankServACH.

BankServACH Order

Field name Description
buyerName Specifies the Buyer's name.
streetAddress Specifies the Buyer's street address.
streetAddress2 Specifies the Buyer's street address (2nd line).
city Specifies the Buyer's city.
stateProvince specifies the Buyer's state.
postalCode Specifies the Buyer's postal code.
countryCode Specifies the Buyer's country code.
phoneNumber Specifies the Buyer's phone number.
emailAddress Specifies the Buyer's email address.
checkNumber Specifies the Buyer's check number. The checkNumber is generated by the cassette based on the order number.

BankServACH Order object XML example

This XML example shows an Order object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="1" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
  <OrderCollection size="1" withCredits="0" withPayments="0">
    <PSOrder ID="O:123456789:1" amount="1200" amountExp10="-2" approvesAllowed=">
     1" currency="840" merchantAccount="1" merchantNumber="123456789" merchantOriginated="1"
     numberOfCredits="0" numberOfPayments="0" orderNumber="1" paymentType="BankServACH"
     state="order_ordered" timeStampCreated="987618551000" timeStampModified=
     "988143427000" unapprovedAmount="0">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="stateProvince" value="NC">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="city" value="Raleigh">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="phoneNumber" value="5433820">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="countryCode" value="US">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="buyerName" value="Emily McMullen">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="streetAddress" value="432 Main Street">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="postalCode" value="27613">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="checkNumber" value="1">

BankServACH Payment

Cassette properties that belong to a PSPayment Object
Field name Description
approvalCode The ACH reference number associated with the transaction (if available).
authResponseCode The approval code returned in the Electronic Check response. Valid responses:
Transaction successfully processed
System Failure. Call BankServ
Transaction rejected due to invalid data, or missing values
Transaction declined due to business reasons
authResponseMsg A response message that may contain additional error information if the Request was not successful.
trxReferenceNum The BankServ reference number for the transaction.
merchantTrxID The cassette generated transaction ID.

Payment object XML example

This XML example shows a BankServACH Payment object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="2" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
  <PaymentCollection size="2" withOrders="0">
      PSPayment ID="P:123456789:1:1" amountExp10="-2" approveAmount="1200" 
      currency="840"depositAmount="0" merchantAccount="1" merchantNumber="123456789" 
      orderNumber="1" paymentNumber="1" paymentType="BankServACH" state="payment_declined" 
      timeStampCreated="987618619000" timeStampModified="988143427000">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="authResponseCode" value="SF">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="paymentNumber" value="1">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="orderNumber" value="1">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantNumber" value="123456789">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="authResponseMsg" value="Test 1200 not found.">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantTrxID" value="11">

BankServACH Batch

Field name Description
currencyCode The currency code of the transactions in the batch.
batchDate Batch ID, in the form of a MMDD date. The date corresponds to the day that the batch is closed.

Batch object XML example

This XML example shows a Batch object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="1" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
  <BatchCollection size="1" withCredits="0" withPayments="1">
    <PSBatch ID="B:123456789:1" batchNumber="1" batchStatus="batch_balanced" \
        foceAllowed="0" merchantAccount="1" merchantControl="1" merchantNumber="123456789
        paymentType="BankServACH" purgeAllowed="0" state="batch_closed" 
        timeStampClosed="88143801000" timeStampModified="988143801000" 
      <BatchTotalCollection size="1">
        <PSBatchTotal amountExp10="-2" creditAmount="0" currency="840" numberOfcredits="0"
         numberOfPayments="1" paymentAmount="5000">
      <PaymentCollection size="1" withOrders="0">
        <PSPayment ID="P:123456789:2:1" amountExp10="-2" approveAmount="5000" 
            batchNumber="1"currency="840" depositAmount="5000" merchantAccount="1" 
            merchantNumber="123456789" orderNumber="2" paymentNumber="1" paymentType="BankServ" 
            referenceNumber="7788" state="payment_closed" timeStampCreated="987618679000" 
            <CassetteProperty propertyId="authResponseCode" value="AA">
            <CassetteProperty propertyId="paymentNumber" value="1">
            <CassetteProperty propertyId="orderNumber" value="2">
            <CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantNumber" value="123456789">
            <CassetteProperty propertyId="authResponseMsg" 
                value="Authorized by our default authorizer">
            <CassetteProperty propertyId="approvalCode" value="CODE 12">
            <CassetteProperty propertyId="trxReferenceNum" value="7788">
            <CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantTrxID" value="21">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="currencyCode" value="840">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="batchDate" value="0424">