WebSphere Commerce Payments commands
In an order processing environment, WebSphere Commerce includes the following scheduler and controller commands to support WebSphere Commerce Payments:
- The scheduled BalancePaymentCmdImpl controller command calls the DepositCmd task command to capture payment for orders that have been shipped implementing the automatic payment capture function for WebSphere Commerce.
- For each order with order status 'S' (shipped), the command calls the DoDepositCmdImpl task command to debit customer accounts or to initiate a deposit to the merchant account by way of WebSphere Commerce Payments.
- These functions are implemented by calling the DoDepositPolicyCmd business policy command.
- The order status is then changed to 'D' (deposited) to indicate that action has been taken.
- The scheduled PayCleanupPMCmdImpl controller command cancels the WebSphere Commerce orders with payment authorization requests rejected by the respective financial institutions for longer than a store configured period of time.
- For the given storeId, and for each order that is in 'M' state (the order has never been approved or released to fulfillment), the command queries the payment state for all its payments.
- If all payments for the order are in void or declined state and the latest void or declined payment is more than a certain number of days old, then the command issues a cancel (with delete) to WebSphere Commerce Payments to cancel the order.
- The command sends notification to the merchant and the customer.
- This command can be scheduled to run daily.
- The scheduled PaymentSummaryGenerateCmdImpl controller command generates a payment summary for a store by customer account and by payment policy. The summary contains the total charged amount (or deposited amount) minus the total refunded amount by AccountId by Payment PolicyId for the specified store.
- The amount of the summary record is in the default currency of the store.
- The summary covers the time period from the last time the command ran to the present time.
- Charges or refunds that are not against any accounts or do not include a payment policyId are not included in the summary.
- One or more PaymentSummary XML files are generated and stored in the PAYSUMMARYXML column of the PAYSUMMARY table.
- The command calls the ForwardPaymentSummaryCmd task command to forward payment summary data to an external accounting system. The supplied ForwardPaymentSummaryCmdImpl class is an empty class intended for a third-party to extend and write implementation code to integrate with an external accounting system. For details on the generated PaymentSummary XML file, refer to B2BPaymentSummary.dtd file in the WC_installdir/xml/trading/ directory.
- The PayResetPM URL resets a WebSphere Commerce order to the pending state and purges the order record created in the Payments tables.
- This allows the order to be re-submitted for processing by WebSphere Commerce Payments.
- This command is typically called after the customer is informed of an error or problem processing the payment for the order.
- The scheduled PaySynchronizePMCmdImpl controller command, called by the scheduler periodically, synchronizes the order state with the payment state.
- Only orders that have been submitted to WebSphere Commerce Payments for processing and are still in state 'I' (inventory update pending) or state 'M' (authorization pending) are processed by this command.
- Once the order has been authorized, this command changes the order state to 'C' (Complete) or 'B' (Backordered) and will not track its status any further.
- In addition, the PaySynchronizePMCmdImpl command calls the OrderNotifyCmd command for every order that has its state changed to completed.
- This command sends an e-mail notification to the customer to confirm the order if e-mail notification has been enabled and configured.
A set of views, Sample: WebSphere Commerce Payments JSP pages, and the PayStatusPMDataBean are also used for WebSphere Commerce Payments transactions.
WebSphere Commerce provides an implementation class for each of the five payment business policy commands to support cassette-based payment methods:
- DoPaymentPMCmd
- CheckPaymentAcceptPMCmd
- DoDepositPMCmd
- DoRefundPMCmd
- DoCancelPMCmd
You can check the state of an order at any time by using the WebSphere Commerce Payments user interface.