Creating a product browsing history e-Marketing Spot
In this task, you use a Web Activity to create an e-Marketing Spot on your site that displays previously viewed items to the shopper. This is also called a browsing history or account browsing history.
This customization mimics the deprecated Browsing History page.Note: This feature can also be implemented through use of the IBM Product
Recommendations widget. For more information about the IBM Product
Recommendations widget, see IBM Product Recommendations widget.
Before you begin
- Install Feature Pack 7 or higher.
- Enable the Management Center Marketing tool and certain features that support behavioral marketing.
- For the example in this task, the RecViewed_CatEntries e-Marketing Spot is used. If it does not exist, then you must create it.
To use a Web Activity running in an e-Marketing Spot to
display a customer's browsing history: