Feature Pack 5Feature Pack 6

Product details page (B2C)

The Product details page is where customers can view complete and detailed information about a product. The product details include the name, price, full image, short and long descriptions, the defining and descriptive attributes, and any assets that are associated with the product. Customers can check inventory availability for the product and add the product to their shopping cart or wish list. The page also displays four e-Marketing Spots.

Feature Pack 7 or laterIf you are using the Feature Pack 7 or later version of the Aurora starter store, the product details page uses a responsive web design pattern and the Commerce Composer framework:

Elements of the Product details page

Product details page screen capture

Full size screen capture

Standard functions on this page

2 Breadcrumb trail
Maintains the current navigation structure as the customer navigates throughout the store. It contains the current navigation facets selected by the shopper, with the category always shown first.
13 Quantity
Customers can specify the quantity for the product.

Optional functions on this page

The following functions can be enabled or disabled for the Aurora starter store by using the Store Management tool in Management Center. For more information, see Selecting store functions.

8 Product ratings
If customers have rated this product, the average star rating is displayed.
9 Product reviews
Customers can click links to read reviews, or to write a review of the product.
15 Wish lists
Customers who are signed in to the store can add the product to their wish list or create a new wish list. Customers who are not currently signed in must first sign in or register to create or access a wish list.
12 Display inventory availability (online store)
Shows whether the selected SKU is available in the online store.

Catalog images and text

The following images and text are retrieved from your catalog data for display on this page:
Image/text How image/text gets in the page
In Management Center For CSV file loading
4 The full image for the product
  • Width (default): 447 pixels
  • Height: Variable; example shown is 447 pixels.
Manage Product tab: Full image field For loading initial data: Sample: Loading initial data. CatalogEntry.csv file or CatalogEntryWithoutPrice.csv file: FullImage column.
5 The name of the product Manage Product tab: Name field For loading initial data: Sample: Loading initial data. CatalogEntry.csv file or CatalogEntryWithoutPrice.csv file: Name column.
6 The code for the product or SKU

If the product has more than one SKU, this code changes as the customer selects defining attributes from 11.

Manage Product tab or Manage SKU tab: Code field For loading initial data: Sample: Loading initial data. CatalogEntry.csv file or CatalogEntryWithoutPrice.csv file: PartNumber column.
7 The offer price for the product

If you have specified a list price for the product, the list price is also displayed in strikethrough text.

Manage Product tab: Offer price field For loading initial data: Sample: Loading initial data. CatalogEntryPrice.csv file: Offer price column.
10 The short description for the product Manage Product tab: Short description field For loading initial data: Sample: Loading initial data. CatalogEntry.csv file or CatalogEntryWithoutPrice.csv file: ShortDescription column.
11 The defining attributes assigned to the product from the attribute dictionary. The customer selects attributes to specify the SKU to purchase.
Tip: By default, defining attributes are displayed in drop-down lists. However, you can associate swatch images to defining attributes, for example, to display color swatches. For more information, see Creating attributes in the attribute dictionary.
18 The long description for the product Manage Product tab: Long description field For loading initial data: Sample: Loading initial data. CatalogEntry.csv file or CatalogEntryWithoutPrice.csv file: LongDescription column.
19 The descriptive attributes for the product

E-Marketing Spots

You can display default content, or Web activities, or both, in any of the following e-Marketing Spots on this page:
E-Marketing Spot name and details Supported default content types Supported Web activities
1 CatalogBanner_Content

Recommended usage: Display a page-wide banner ad below the header on catalog browsing pages.

  • Content - Yes
  • Categories - No
  • Catalog entries - No
Run Web activities that use the following actions:
16 ProductCenter_Content

Recommended usage: Display links on the product details page just below the Add to Cart button, for example, links to a size chart for clothing or to social networking sites.

  • Content - Yes
  • Categories - No
  • Catalog entries - No
Run Web activities that use the following actions:
20 [category]ProductRight_CatEntries

Recommended usage: Display catalog entry recommendations on the right side of all product details pages for a category.

  • Content - No
  • Categories - No
  • Catalog entries - Yes

Run Web activities that use the following actions:

21 [category]RecViewed_CatEntries

Not visible by default.

Recommended usage: Display catalog entries that the customer has recently viewed.

  • Content - No
  • Categories - No
  • Catalog entries - Yes

Run Web activities that use the following actions:

Catalog assets

The following types of catalog assets are displayed on this page:
Description How asset gets on the page
In Management Center For CSV file loading
17 Displays angle images, which are alternative views of the product. Click the thumbnail to display the matching full image.
Note: This feature requires additional sets of thumbnail and full image files, different from the standard full image for the product (see 4).
Angle full image dimensions:
  • Width: 447 pixels
  • Height: Variable; example shown is 447 pixels.
Angle thumbnail dimensions:
  • Width: 70 pixels
  • Height: Variable; example shown is 70 pixels.
In the Associated Assets tab for the product, specify the path to the angle thumbnail and full image, and assign the following usage types:
  • Thumbnail angle image - Assign this usage type to the thumbnail.
  • Full size angle image - Assign this usage type to the related full image.

For more information about adding assets to catalog entries and categories, see finding and associating catalog assets.

For loading image attachments and adding them to catalog entries and categories:

Links and buttons

14 Add to Cart
Adds the product to the shopping cart.
3 Print
Displays the Print window.