Creating and scheduling the UpdateSearchIndex job
The UpdateSearchIndex job command is used for synchronizing Quick Publish catalog changes with the search index in production.

- It performs a check to see if there is already an indexing process or indexing replication occurring. If so, the command immediately aborts. Otherwise, it applies an indexing synchronization lock.
- It performs the index preprocessing logic.
- It builds the search index by calling the Data Import Handler (DIH).
If index replication is configured through the replication.csv file, the command monitors the replication status from all the declared search slave servers.
Once all the slave servers have confirmed that index replication is completed, the command issues a final cache invalidation request. The UpdateSearchIndex process does not itself clear the cache. It requests that the next time the dynacacheinvalidation scheduled command is run, that command is to replay all previously registered cache invalidation requests. It will run all invalidation requests since the start time of the scheduler command, or the last run time of the UpdateSearchIndex command, whichever is earlier.
- It releases the indexing synchronization lock.
- The UpdateSearchIndex job must be run on a server that does not provide services to users because of performance considerations.
- The UpdateSearchIndex job does not index site content. You must index site content using the site content crawler utility. For more information, see Indexing site content with WebSphere Commerce search.
When you schedule this job to replicate the search index (indexprop), ensure that the replication.csv file is located under the solrHome directory. For more information, see Propagating the WebSphere Commerce search index with the repeater.
- If you have deployed the inventory index, the UpdateSearchIndex job can refresh the inventory index at a different interval than the product index.
- Open the Administration Console and select Site on the Administration Console Site/Store Selection page.
- Click . A list of jobs that are scheduled to run is displayed.
- Create the UpdateSearchIndex job: