Marketing statistics views keep you informed
You can now view a wealth of additional statistical data about your marketing activities within the Marketing tool user interface. The statistics are updated while your activities are active, so you can track progress and react quickly with changes to improve results. When your activities are over, you can review the statistics to evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategies as input to future marketing plans.
Here is a summary of the marketing statistical data added to the
Marketing tool in Version 7:
- Statistics for Web and Dialog activities
Dialog activities are available only in the Professional and Enterprise editions of WebSphere Commerce.
- When you are viewing an active Web or Dialog activity in the Activity Builder, you can now see how many customers reach a particular trigger, target, or action in the activity since it was activated. A customer counter displays beneath each element.
- In Web activities, the e-Marketing Spot properties view now has an additional tab that displays statistics for views, clicks, and click-through rates. These statistics show you how customers are interacting with the e-Marketing Spot in the context of the activity.
- Statistics for marketing experiments
- A count of unique customers is added to the existing Statistics tab on the properties view for marketing activities that contain experiments. You can check this number to determine how many actual customers participate in each test element in your experiment.
- Statistics for Email activities
- The Email activity properties view now has an additional tab that displays statistics that are related to both email delivery and email effectiveness.