OnDemand properties file

Edit the ondemand.properties file to create and configure properties for remote control sessions with on-demand targets.

The ondemand.properties file is used to configure properties that are used during remote control sessions with on-demand targets. You can edit the file from the server UI by clicking Admin > Edit properties file. You can also edit the file manually.

The file is in the following directory:

Windows™ operating systems:
[installdir]\wlp\usr\servers\trcserver\apps\TRCAPP.ear\trc.war\WEB-INF\classes. Where [installdir] is the IBM® BigFix® Remote Control server installation directory. For example, C:\Program Files\IBM\Tivoli\server\wlp\usr\servers\trcserver\apps\TRCAPP.ear\trc.war\WEB-INF\classes
Linux™ operating systems:
[installdir]/wlp/usr/servers/trcserver/apps/TRCAPP.ear/trc.war/WEB-INF/classes. Where [installdir] is the IBM BigFix Remote Control server installation directory. For example, /opt/IBM/Tivoli/server/wlp/usr/servers/trcserver/apps/TRCAPP.ear/trc.war/WEB-INF/classes

After you edit the file, you must click Admin > Reset Application.

The ondemand.url property is set to http://localhost/trc/ondemand/index.jsp?conncode=%c by default. Replace localhost with the address of your remote control server. To use a reverse proxy, replace localhost/trc/ondemand with the public fully qualified domain name of the broker that is configured as a reverse proxy. For example, http://broker.example.com/index.jsp?conncode=%c. For more information about configuring a reverse proxy, see On-demand target portal access for internet users. If you do not replace localhost, the value that is defined for the ServerURL property in the trc_broker.properties file is used to create the URL that is displayed to the controller. The %c variable is replaced with the session connection code when the URL is displayed in the controller window. The default page requires the session connection code to be entered.

You can also set the property to a URL for your own customized web page.
Table 1. How the URL is displayed to the controller user.
ondemand.url= ServerURL= URL is displayed as.
http://localhost/trc/ondemand/index.jsp https://mycompany.com/trc https://mycompany.com/trc/ondemand/index.jsp
http://www.mypage.com/ondemand/index.jsp https://mycompany.com/trc http://www.mypage.com/ondemand/index.jsp
http://www.mypage.com/index.jsp?conncode=%c https://mycompany.com/trc https://mypage.com/trc/ondemand/index.jsp?conncode=1234567

When the connection code is 1234567.

Modifiable field ondemand.url
Field Description URL for a page that the target user can access to start the process to download and temporarily install the target software.
Possible Values User-defined URL. For example, http://localhost/trc/ondemand/index.jsp
Value Definition Default value is http://localhost/trc/ondemand/index.jsp?conncode=%c
Properties to add custom fields to the web page that is accessed from the URL that is defined in the ondemand.url property. There are four custom fields available by default. To add more custom fields, manually edit the ondemand.properties file.
Note: After manually editing the file, restart the server service to display the new tools on the screen.
Modifiable field ondemand.custom.field.x.label
Field Description Display name that is used for the extra input fields on the default web page that is used to start a session with an on-demand target. x = 1 - 9.

If you do not set a value for this property, the field is not displayed. For example, the following sample configuration would result in defining a custom Name field. The definitions for index 1 are discarded, because there is no ondemand.custom.field.1.label defined:

ondemand.custom.field.1.label.fr=Numéro de téléphone

Possible Values User Defined. For example,


The text, Name, is displayed on the web page menu.

Value Definition
Modifiable field ondemand.custom.field.x.required=
Field Description Determines whether the custom field is a required field.
Possible Values True, False.
Value Definition
The target user must enter data in the field.
The target user can optionally enter data in the field.
Modifiable field ondemand.custom.field.x.label.locale
Field Description Translation for the custom field label name. x=1 - 9
Possible Values User Defined. For example,

ondemand.custom.field.1.label.fr=Numéro de téléphone
Value Definition If no translations are present for the locale of the browser, the value in the ondemand.custom.field.x.label property is displayed.