Run tools on the target during a peer to peer session

You can create and configure controller properties to run specific tools on the target computer during a remote control session.

The configured properties are displayed as menu items in the Perform Action in target menu in the controller window, in alphabetical order.
Note: If too many items are added to the Perform Action in Target menu, the last items in the menu might extend beyond the bottom of the screen. This issue is seen particularly on a smaller screen size because there is no support for scrolling menus.
Only the tools entries that commands exist for on the target computer are displayed during the session. At the start of the session, the controller sends a list with all the configured tools to the target. The target verifies that each command exists and returns a list back to the controller with all the available commands. The action menu for the session is populated with the available tools.
Note: For a target where a Linux™ operating system is installed. In addition to checking that the tools exist it is also checked whether the target has permission to run the tools.
Each tool can be defined by using a number of entries in the controller properties file, some of which are optional. Entries that belong to the same tool must all have the same prefix. There are seven preconfigured tools by default that you can change to your own requirements. There are also three blank tools available by default. For details of editing the properties file for a peer to peer session see, Configuring controller properties. For details of editing the properties file for a managed session, see the IBM BigFix Remote Control Administrator's Guide. Create and configure the properties in the following format.
Property name Required Default value Description
prefix.ToolName Yes N/A Display name that is used in the Perform Action in target menu.
prefix.ToolName.$lang$ No N/A Translation of display name. $lang$ is ISO language code.
prefix.ToolCommand Yes N/A Command to run the tool, without parameters.
prefix.ToolParameters No N/A Optional parameters for the command to run.
prefix.ToolUser No <blank> Determines which privileges or credentials the command is run with.
Run the tool as the logged on user.
Note: Might trigger UAC prompts depending on the version of Windows™.
Run the tool with UAC prompt to elevate privileges.

Required property definitions

Modifiable Field prefix.ToolName
Field Description Display name that is used in the Perform Action in target menu. Each defined tool name must have a different prefix.
Possible Values User Defined. For example,

wincmd.ToolName=Command Prompt

The text, Command Prompt, is displayed in the Perform Action in target menu.

Value Definition
Modifiable Field prefix.ToolCommand
Field Description Command to run the tool, without parameters.
Possible Values User Defined.

The tool command can be a fully qualified path or just the file name. For example, wincmd.ToolCommand=cmd.exe and wincmd.ToolCommand=[SystemFolder]\\cmd.exe are equivalent.
Note: When you use a backslash in the path you must enter two backslashes.
The file must be on the PATH environment variable of the logged in user. You can specify executable files and also files that are associated with an executable file. Do not use quotation marks, even when there are spaces in the path or file name.

For example, services.msc is associated with mmc.exe (Microsoft™ Management Console).

All of the following examples are equivalent:

prefix1.ToolCommand = services.msc

prefix2.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\services.msc

prefix3.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\mmc.exe

prefix3.ToolParameters = [SystemFolder]\services.msc

You can use the following folder properties when you define tools parameters on a Windows system. The target substitutes these properties with the actual path on the target system.

The target uses the following path to run the tool. [WindowsVolume]\Windows
The target uses the following path to run the tool. [WindowsFolder]\System32

Folder properties are not relevant for Linux targets. lnxcontrol.ToolCommand = /usr/bin/gnome-control-center

Value Definition

Preconfigured tools

tool01.ToolName = Control Panel
tool01.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\control.exe
tool01.ToolParameters =
tool01.ToolUser =

tool02.ToolName = Command Prompt
tool02.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\cmd.exe
tool02.ToolParameters =
tool02.ToolUser =

tool03.ToolName = Administrator Command Prompt
tool03.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\cmd.exe
tool03.ToolParameters =
tool03.ToolUser = admin

tool04.ToolName = Task Manager
tool04.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\taskmgr.exe
tool04.ToolParameters =
tool04.ToolUser =

tool05.ToolName = Windows Explorer
tool05.ToolCommand = [WindowsFolder]\\explorer.exe
tool05.ToolParameters =
tool05.ToolUser =

tool06.ToolParameters =
tool06.ToolUser =

tool07.ToolName=Control Panel
tool07.ToolParameters =
tool07.ToolUser =