Hiding the master controller acceptance window

When you are the master controller in a collaboration session, you are asked to accept each new participant into the collaboration session. If you are starting collaboration in peer to peer remote control sessions, you can create a controller property and configure it to hide the acceptance prompt so that you do not have to accept each time.

About this task

To hide the acceptance prompt, complete the following steps:


  1. Edit the trc_controller.cfg file.
  2. Add the following entry.
  3. Save the file.


When a new participant requests to join the collaboration session, you are not asked to accept the request to share the session. Set enable.join.collab.prompt=true to re enable the acceptance prompt. For more information about controller properties, see Configuring controller properties.
Note: If you hand over full control of the session to a new master controller, the properties that are defined in their controller properties file, take effect.