Preliminary Checks

Before running the integration between the BigFix server running on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system and the Active Directory server, ensure the following.

  • The DNS host names of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system and the Active Directory server are resolved correctly, by performing the following steps on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system:
    1. Open the file /etc/host and ensure that both DNS host names are specified as fully qualified domain names.
    2. Open the file /etc/sysconfig/network and ensure that the host name of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system is specified as fully qualified domain name.
  • The time between the Active Directory and the Linux BigFix server is synchronized. If needed, you can synchronize the time service on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system and the Active Directory server with the time source server, by performing the following steps:
    1. In the file /etc/ntp.conf on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system, replace the following lines:
      server hostname
      server time_source_server_name
      where time_source_server_name is the server hostname or IP address of the time source server used to synchronize the time.
    2. When DNS lookups are not reliable, configure the Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems to perform DNS lookups from the Active Directory server by editing the /etc/resolv.conf file as follows:
      nameserver1 ipaddress1
      nameserver2 ipaddress2
    3. Activate the change on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system by:
      • Stopping the ntp daemon:
        service ntpd stop
      • Updating the time:
        ntpdate Red_Hat_server_IP
      • Starting the ntp daemon:
        service ntpd start
    4. Synchronize the Active Directory server with the time source server by entering:
      w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:"time_source_server_name" 
            /syncfromflags:manual /update
      where time_source_server_name specifies the list of DNS names or IP addresses for the NTP time source with which the Linux server synchronizes. For example, you can specify as the NTP time server. When you specify multiple peers, use a space as the delimiter and enclose the names of the peers in quotation marks.
    5. On the Active Directory server, run the following command to ensure that the time is synchronized with the time source server
       w32tm /query /status | find "Source"
       w32tm /query /status | find "source"
    6. On the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system configure the ntpd daemon to start at system boot:
      chkconfig ntpd on