Preliminary Checks
Before running the integration between the BigFix server running on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system and the Active Directory server, ensure the following.
- The DNS host names of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system and the Active Directory server
are resolved correctly, by performing the following steps on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system:
- Open the file
and ensure that both DNS host names are specified as fully qualified domain names. - Open the file
and ensure that the host name of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system is specified as fully qualified domain name.
- Open the file
- The time between the Active Directory and the Linux BigFix server is synchronized. If needed,
you can synchronize the time service on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system and the Active
Directory server with the time source server, by performing the following steps:
- In the file
on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system, replace the following lines:
with:server hostname
where time_source_server_name is the server hostname or IP address of the time source server used to synchronize the time.server time_source_server_name
- When DNS lookups are not reliable, configure the Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems to
perform DNS lookups from the Active Directory server by editing the
file as follows:domain search nameserver1 ipaddress1 nameserver2 ipaddress2
- Activate the change on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system by:
- Stopping the ntp daemon:
service ntpd stop
- Updating the time:
ntpdate Red_Hat_server_IP
- Starting the ntp daemon:
service ntpd start
- Stopping the ntp daemon:
- Synchronize the Active Directory server with the time source server by
where time_source_server_name specifies the list of DNS names or IP addresses for the NTP time source with which the Linux server synchronizes. For example, you can specifyw32tm /config /manualpeerlist:"time_source_server_name" /syncfromflags:manual /update
as the NTP time server. When you specify multiple peers, use a space as the delimiter and enclose the names of the peers in quotation marks. - On the Active Directory server, run the following command to ensure that the time is
synchronized with the time source server
w32tm /query /status | find "Source" w32tm /query /status | find "source"
- On the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system configure the ntpd daemon to start at
system boot:
chkconfig ntpd on
- In the file