Transferring a single file
To transfer a single file from a Fixlet site, perform the following steps.
- Run the BES Download Cacher utility with the following command:
BESDownloadCacher.exe -u http://www.mysite/downloads/myplugin.exe -x downloads
- When the download finishes, copy the contents of the downloads folder (just the file, not the
folder) into the sha1 folder on the main BigFix server. The default location for the sha1
folder is:
- On Windows systems:
%PROGRAM FILES%\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\bfmirror\downloads\sha1
- On Linux systems:
- On Windows systems:
You might need to increase the size of the cache on the main BigFix server so that it does not try to delete any files from the cache. Run the BES Download Cacher utility to increase the size of the cache with the following command:
BESDownloadCacher.exe -c 1024
The default size of the cache is 1024 MB.
Note: Use the
option only when the BigFix server or a relay is installed on the
system where you run the BES Download Cacher utility. If no BigFix component is installed, cache has no
limit.After the files are cached in the BigFix server sha1 folder, they are automatically delivered to the BigFix relays and BigFix clients when you click an action in the Fixlet message that references a downloaded file. If the file is not cached, the BigFix console gives you a status of "Waiting for Mirror Server" after you deploy an action.