Log files

The Airgap tool produces two types of log files: normal log files and debug log files.

Normal log files record the messages you see in the command window so you can check Airgap tasks, such as sites gathered on a specific date. Debug log files are intended for the HCL Support team. The naming convention for normal log files is:
On Windows operating systems:
On Linux operating systems:
where yyyy-mm-dd is the date when the file has been created. Starting from Version 9.5.7, files older than 30 days are deleted.

The debug log file is AirgapDebugOut.txt. Starting from Version 9.5.7, this file contains only information of the last day and older log files are renamed to AirgapDebugOutyyyymmdd.txt, where yyyymmdd is the date when the file has been created; files older than 10 days are deleted. The Airgap tool can write more information to the debug log file by using the verbose option -verbose.