Installing NIM filesets

Use the NIM Installation and Setup Dashboard to install the required filesets for the NIM master or the NIM client.

Before you begin

  • Most recent AIX systems, by default, have the bos.sysmgt.nim.client fileset installed. No additional installations are required to establish a NIM client.
  • The NIM master and client filesets are available from the bos.sysmgt Licensed Program Product source, which is provided in the AIX installation media.


  1. From the BigFix console, click All Patch Management > Dashboards > Patches for AIX > NIM Installation and Setup Dashboard.
  2. Click NIM Fileset Installation to display the fields under that header.
    Figure 1. NIM fileset installation

    NIM fileset installation
  3. Select the installation type.
  4. Enter the source of the NIM installation files.
    For example, cd0

    You can use the NIM installation files from CD devices, local directories, or NFS sources.

    Note: The dashboard automatically detects the installation source type, whether the entered value is from a CD device, NFS source, or local directory.
    Note: If an NFS path is used as the source of the NIM installation files, an attempt to generate a new .toc file is made by using the inutoc command. If the remote path is in a read-only mode, the directory must be in a valid state for use by the installp command before the files can be used.
  5. Optional: Select the check box to create a one-time action rather than to create a reusable Fixlet.
  6. Click Create Action.
  7. Deploy the action.


The following filesets are installed on the target AIX systems:
NIM master
  • bos.sysmgt.nim.master
  • bos.sysmgt.nim.client
NIM client
