Creating user accounts

About this task

To create a new user, complete the following steps:


  1. Click Users > New
    The Add User screen is displayed.
    Note: A warning message is displayed when Microsoft Entra ID or LDAP synchronization is enabled to indicate that any changes or additions might be lost at the next synchronization.
  2. Type in the relevant information for the new user.
    Note: The fields that are marked with a star are mandatory fields.
    User ID
    Type in a unique ID for the user.
    Email address
    Type in a valid email address for the user.
    Type in a given name for the user.
    Type in a surname for the user.
    Type in a unique password that conforms to your defined password rules and then retype the password for confirmation. Password rules are defined in the file. For more information about the file, see
    Note: The password fields are not available when LDAP authentication is enabled.
  3. From the Authority list, select the authority level to assign to the new user. For more information about user account authorities, see User account authorities and the functions available to each account.
  4. Select the groups that the new user is a member of.
  5. Click Submit.


The user details are saved.