Import logs

Import logs contain information about the import of data from the BigFix server to BigFix Inventory. They list steps related to the import process and show their status. Each action in the log file is reported according to the UTC time zone, but the file also shows information about the local time zone of your server. 10.0.5 The import log also shows a warning about duplicate UUIDs (universally unique identifier).

The logs are stored in one of the following directories:
  • Linux icon installation_directory/wlp/usr/servers/server1/logs/imports
  • Windows icon installation_directory\wlp\usr\servers\server1\logs\imports

The log from the latest import is also accessible from the BigFix Inventory user interface. To view the log, click Management > Data Imports. The last megabyte of the log data is displayed in the web user interface.

To download an earlier version of the import log from the user interface, identify the table row with the import that you are interested in, and click Download. The log file is saved in the download directory of your web browser.
Downloading the import log.

Log level

By default, the data import logging level is set to INFO. You can change the setting to collect debug information about broken relationships, for example deleted component relationships. To enable debug logging, go to Management > Advanced Server Settings, and change the value of the debug_logging_for_imports parameter to true.

Enabling the debug logging level increases the size of the data import log, which might lead to errors while displaying the log in the user interface. For more information, see Troubleshooting.

Import statuses

The import finished successfully.
The import could not finish. It might happen when the BigFix Inventory server is stopped during the import. Ensure that the server is running, check the import logs, and rerun the import.
The import failed. Ensure that the BigFix server is running, check the import logs, and rerun the import.

Time zone

The time of all actions saved in the import log file is specified according to the UTC time zone. You can compare these actions to the local time zone of your server to learn when exactly a particular action occurred. Information about your server time zone is written in the beginning of the log file and is repeated every 1000 entries. The following examples are the excerpts from the log file:

[INFO]: Local Server Time Zone is +0200 Europe/Warsaw
[INFO]: Local Server Time Zone is CurrentTimeZone=-300 (UTC-06:00) DaylightBias=-60

Reviewing the import log

Review the following INFO messages in the import log to check how much data was transferred during the import.

Summary for complex table
Information about Items specified in the import log Description
Infrastructure Computer items The total number of computers in your environment. A computer is a system with a BigFix client that provides data to BigFix Inventory.
Software and hardware SAM::ScanFile items
The number of files that have input data for the following items:
  • File system scan information (SAM::FileFact items)
  • Catalog-based scan information (SAM::CitFact items)
  • Software identification tag scan information (SAM::IsotagFact items)

SAM::FileFact items

The total count of information pieces about files from all computers in your environment (contained in the processed scan files).

SAM::CitFact items

The total count of information pieces from catalog-based scans (contained in the processed scan files).

SAM::IsotagFact items

The total count of information pieces from software identification tag scans (contained in the processed scan files).
Installed packages SAM::PackageFact items The total count of information pieces about Windows packages that were gathered by the package data scan.
SAM::UnixPackageFact items The total count of information pieces about UNIX packages that were gathered by the package data scan.
Software usage SAM::AppUsagePropertyValue items The total number of processes that were captured during scans on the systems in your infrastructure.
INFO: Computer items: 15000
INFO: SAM::AppUsagePropertyValue items: 4250
INFO: SAM::ScanFile items: 30000
INFO: Number of computers processing full file scan data: 16 
INFO: Inserting new 28423 rows into SAM::FileFact
INFO: SAM::FileFact items: 15735838
INFO: SAM::IsotagFact items: 0
INFO: SAM::CitFact items: 149496
INFO: SAM::PackageFact items: 406687
INFO: SAM::UnixPackageFact items: 1922564