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BigFix Scanner Documentation
Welcome to the BigFix Scanner documentation, where you can find information about how to install, maintain, and use BigFix Scanner.
BigFix Platform Documentation
Introduction to BigFix Scanner
What's new in this release
Learn what's new in BigFix Scanner.
Fixlets and tasks
The list and description of fixlets and tasks available in the BigFix console on the BigFix Scanner site.
Learn about the requirements and available installation scenarios to install BigFix Scanner.
Supported operating systems
The tables in this section provide detailed information about the system requirements for BigFix Scanner.
Installing the scanner
The scanner collects hardware information as well as information about files, ISO Tags and other on the computers in your infrastructure. Install the scanner on every computer on which you want to cover with the selected offering using Scanner like BigFix Inventory.
Upgrading the scanner
Upgrade BigFix Scanner on an operating system that is supported. New scanner releases contain security fixes, fixes of problems and new features.
Creating Scanner Wrapper for Scanner
Cleanup old Scanner Installations
File Access Policy Daemon - Whitelisting scanner
This section describes the methods to whitelist scanner services in File Access Policy Daemon.
After you install the BigFix Scanner, configure the application. Refer to the following topics to get more understanding.
Configuring Scan Cache
This task allows you to configure file system scan cache. By default, the cache is enabled and is cleared after every scan. The cache is shared by different scan types. Disabling the cache impacts scan performance. The task is applicable only on computers where the scanner is installed.
Changing Scanner Cache Folder
The scanner cache folder is used to store information about scanned files and directories in your file system. The scanner locates the cache folder using the file hierarchy which results in quick scans. The amount of disk space that is needed for the cache depends on the number of files that are being scanned. If the current cache folder does not have sufficient disk space, you can change the location of the cache folder or optimize the cache.
Excluding directories from being scanned
Excluding some directories from scanning is useful if the directories are large and contain no information that is important to the software inventory. By excluding them, you can speed up the scanning process. Some directories are excluded from software scans by default. They must remain excluded to ensure accuracy of data. You can add or remove other directories from the list by using tasks in the BigFix console. You can also manually add them to the scanner files on particular endpoints.
Troubleshooting of BigFix Scanner installation and runtime.
Changing scanner trace settings
If requested by HCL® support to limit the amount of traces generated by the scanner tool, you can change the scanner trace settings.
Collecting logs for troubleshooting purposes
If you are asked by BigFix Support to provide data for troubleshooting problems with computers in your infrastructure, go to the details of the computer. Open the Computer Support Data panel, download the log package, and provide it to BigFix Support. The package contains log files that are needed for troubleshooting purposes such as BigFix client logs.
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