What's new

This section describes new AppScan Standard product features and enhancements in this release, as well as deprecations and anticipated changes, where relevant.

New in HCL AppScan Standard 10.8.0

  • Auto-update: New feature to automatically apply new updates to AppScan by configuring the API key to connect with My HCLSoftware (MHS). For more information, see Auto-updates.
  • Custom scripts: Add dynamic behavior to your DAST scan with AppScan’s built-in JavaScript runtime. AppScan can run custom scripts before a request is sent or after a response is received during the scan. The script will be executed for each HTTP request and response.
  • Redesigned the Regular Expression dialog across scan configuration to improve usability.
  • Restored the option to access the AppScan SSL certificate section through Tools > Options > Recording proxy.
  • When a scan is configured for a Postman collection using a URL, rescanning will now fetch the updated Postman contents from that URL.
  • Enhanced automatic login detection in the DAST engine.

Fixes and security updates

New security rules in this release include:

  • attAppMetricsDataExposed - Application Metrics endpoint exposed
  • attWordPressPluginXSSCVE20237246 - WordPress Plugin Cross-Site Scripting CVE20237246
  • attAtlassianConfluenceBrokenAccessCVE202322515 - Atlassian Confluence Broken Access CVE 2023 22515
  • SriValidation - Validation for SRI integrity check
  • CSP Rules - Reworked CSP evaluation, resulting in detection of 17 new Content-Security-Policy issues
  • Vulnerable component database updated to version 1.6

For a complete list of fixes, new and updated security rules, and RFEs in this release, see AppScan Standard Fix List.

Changed in this release

Upcoming change

  • AppScan Standard versions 10.6.0 and earlier will reach End of Support (EOS) by June 2025. It is recommended that you upgrade to the latest version available before then.
  • The Web API Wizard (OpenAPI) extension will be removed in a future version of AppScan.