HCL License

HCL manages software downloads and licensing through the My HCLSoftware (MHS) portal.

Note: Starting from version 10.8.0, FlexNet Operations Portal (FNO) is no longer available for licensing and won't be supported. Make sure to download or configure your MHS license before upgrading. All your entitlements from the FlexNet Operations Portal (FNO) are migrated to MHS. Create new deployments in MHS, then assign and activate your license for AppScan. Devices and products that were activated through FNO does not work anymore. Only the licensing management platform is changed, there are no changes to the license metrics or any additional charges for your licenses migrated from FNO to MHS.
License Types

There are two types of licenses in AppScan Standard:

"Floating" licenses (cloud or local license server)
Floating licenses are installed on a Cloud License Server or a Local License Server. This server can be the same machine where AppScan runs. Any server using AppScan must be connected to this server through a network. Each time a user opens AppScan, a license is checked out. When AppScan is closed, the license is checked back in. For more information, see Set up floating license using Cloud or Local License Server.
"Node-locked" licenses (local license file)
A node-locked license is a single license that is assigned to a single machine using a local license file. For more information, see Set up a node-locked license.

Trial license

Try the HCL AppScan DAST Free Trial to experience these features firsthand. For more information, reach out to HCL AppScan here.

License Troubleshooting

If you have any problems while setting up your license, you can check License troubleshooting for help.