Replacing unsigned extensions

If you want to use an unsigned extension that you used with a previous version of AppScan, you can either elect to trust it, or see if a signed version is available to replace it with.

About this task

When AppScan opens, it verifies that enabled extensions are either signed, or have been manually "trusted" by the user. Unsigned extensions that have not been manually "trusted" are not loaded.

If you have an unsigned extension that you used with an earlier version of AppScan, you can elect to trust it by clicking the Trust button next to it, or see if a signed version is available to replace it with, as described below.


  1. Open Extension Manager (Tools > Extensions > Extension Manager).
    Extensions that have been enabled by the user (checkbox selected) but which are not signed, have a Trust button next to them.
    Note: To trust the extension without replacing it, simply click the Trust button. From now on the extension will be trusted.
  2. Click the Get More Extensions link at the top of the dialog box.
  3. In the page that opens, click the eXtensions tab and see if a signed version of the extension is available.
  4. Save the extension to your machine.
  5. In Extension Manager, select the unsigned version (highlight it) and click Remove.
  6. Click Install, select the new extension, and click Open.

    The new extension is installed and enabled. You need to restart AppScan for the change to take effect.