Multi-step operation troubleshooting
Some suggestions for troubleshooting action-based multi-step operations.
- In Configuration > Multi-step Operations, select the sequence and click Validate. The browser opens and replays the sequence. Verify that the browser performs all the expected steps. If the recorded actions do not match the current version of the site, re-record the sequence.
- When the browser closes, verify that a green check mark appears next to each action in the
sequence. If one of more of the actions has a red X, verify that the action is needed to perform the
next step in the sequence (such as clicking on a pop-up that doesn't appear in the play-back). If it
is not needed, delete it by selecting the action and clicking
- After each step in the sequence, AppScan inserts a WAIT action of duration 0 seconds. Try increasing the duration of the WAIT action before a failed action.
- Check that the Redundancy Tuning and Tracking Options for all parameters and cookies in the test request are correct. If they are not, either correct them, or delete them from the list in Configuration > Parameters and Cookies > main tab.
- Increase the no-interaction timeout in Configuration > Advanced Configuration > Action-based: Multi-step no-interaction timeout.