.NET scan results show the assembly file instead of the source file
When the .pdb file is in the wrong format, .NET scan results can show the assembly file instead of the source file.
The analysis results of a .NET scan show the .dll or .exe file instead of the source file (.cs or .vb).
This occurs when the .pdb file associated with the .dll or .exe being scanned is missing or in the wrong format. Projects created in Visual Studio 2017 use the "portable" pdb format, by default. AppScan on Cloud does not support the "portable" pdb format.
Ensure that each dll/exe being scanned has a corresponding .pdb file located in the same directory as the dll/exe and that the format of the pdb is "Full". If the .pdb file is missing or you are not sure of the format, do the following:
In the Visual Studio project's properties, change the "Debugging Information" property to "Full"
and rebuild the project prior to scanning:
- In Visual Studio, right-click the project and choose Properties.
- Click the Build tab.
- Click the Advanced button.
- Se the Debugging Information setting to Full.
- Save the change and rebuild the project.
Note: Be sure to select the desired build configuration (for example,
Debug|x64) in Visual Studio prior to making these changes. Each build
configuration can specify a different .pdb format.