Scheduling Canister Backups

About this task

Use the Windows Scheduled task wizard to automate all backup tasks.

Note: If a backup is required, Discover recommends running a Partial backup.

To schedule a daily full backup of the long term archive, complete the following steps:


  1. Open Windows Explorer. Click the My Computer node in the left pane to expand the folders tree.
  2. Click the Control Panel folder.
  3. Choose the Scheduled Tasks folder from the list.
  4. Double-click Add Scheduled Task to start the Scheduled Task wizard.
  5. Click Next and then click Browse. Select the following:
  6. On the first page of the wizard, enter a name for the task. It is helpful to add the type of backup. For example: Partial DCBackup.
  7. Choose the frequency with which you want to perform the backup. For a Daily backup, choose the daily option.
  8. Select a start time. Choose a time when Web traffic is at its lowest. This is typically early morning hours. For example, 3:00 AM.
  9. In the Task tab in the Run field, enter the -Partial parameter after the path and DCBackup file name.
    Note: DCBackup must have a command-line parameter to initiate the backup process. For a list of command line parameters, Configuring DCBackup.
  10. When prompted for the user and password to execute the task, enter a username that has full write permissions on the Canister and backup machines.