Editing macro properties

The following categories are available for editing:

Macro Name
Name of the macro (selected from the list of macros in the Macro Manager). Macro names are case-sensitive! Therefore, mymacro is a different name than MyMacro, MyMacrO, myMacro, and so on.
Description of the macro. Use a description that will help you identify the purpose of the macro.
Name of the person who created this macro.
Creation Date
Date the macro was created.
Pause between Actions
Amount of time for the macro runtime to pause after performing each action.
  • If this option is not checked, then the macro runtime does not pause after each action.
  • If you want the macro runtime to use a different pause time for a particular macro screen, then specify the different pause time in the Set Pause Time field on the Screens tab of that macro screen.

Implementation of Pause between Actions: Although the Pause between Actions was originally implemented as a pause after every action, it is now implemented as follows:

  • The macro runtime waits:
    • For an interval equal to 50% of the pause time, after every Input action or Prompt action in a macro screen, except the last Input action or Prompt action in the macro screen.
    • For an interval equal to 100% of the pause time, after the last action in a macro screen (which can be an Input action or Prompt action).
  • The macro runtime does not wait:
    • After the last Input action or Prompt action in a macro screen (unless it is also the last action of the macro screen).
    • After any other type of action.

By default the Pause Between Actions checkbox is enabled and the timeout value is set to 300 milliseconds. Therefore by default the macro runtime:

  • Waits 150 milliseconds after every Input action or Prompt action in a macro screen, except the last Input action or Prompt action in the macro screen.
  • Waits 300 milliseconds after the last action in a macro screen (which can be an Input action or Prompt action).

See Pause after an action in the Macro Programming Guide.

Timeout between Screens
The maximum time allowed between valid screens while the macro is running. If the time expires before the macro identifies the next screen, an error is displayed. The time set here can be overridden for a specific screen by the Timeout value on the Links tab.
Show all Prompts at Start of Macro
If there are prompts for the user to provide input, checking this option displays all of them at the beginning of the macro. This allows the macro to play through without stopping for input.
Use Variables and Arithmetic Expressions in Macro
Select Use Variables and Arithmetic Expressions in Macro if you want to use variables and arithmetic expressions in your macros. The first time you select Use Variables and Arithmetic Expressions in Macro, a window appears giving you the option to convert your macro to the advanced format (variables and arithmetic expressions).

If you click Yes, your macro is converted to the advanced format. The following changes occur to any field in the Macro Editor where you can type text, a variable, or an arithmetic expression except the Macro tab and the Screen name field:

  • String values are enclosed in single quotes ('). For example, an input action with String value hi changes to 'hi'.
  • If the String value already contains a single quote, a backslash precedss the single quote. For example, john's changes to 'john\'s'.
  • If the String value already contains a backslash, an extra backslash precedes the backslash. For example, ab\c changes to 'ab\\c'.
  • The characters +, -, *, /, %, >, <, =, & and | are evaluated as operators unless enclosed in single quotes (') as part of a literal string.
  • The characters $ x$ identify a variable or method (where x is the variable's name, such as $MyVariable$) unless enclosed in single quotes (') as part of a literal string.

If you click No, your macro is not converted. Click No if you already converted your macro by editing the macro code, or you want to convert your macro by editing the macro code yourself. If you want to convert your macro yourself, select Code Editor, and set usevars to true.

If you deselect Use Variables and Arithmetic Expressions in Macro, your macro might not work as expected if it has been converted to the advanced format (variables and arithmetic expressions). In this case, Use Variables and Arithmetic Expressions in Macro should remain selected, or you can change the macro code back to its preconverted state yourself, where:

  • The single quote and backslash characters are not treated specially. For example, C:\myfile.txt writes C:\myfile.txt to the screen and it's writes it's to the screen.
  • The characters +, -, *, /, %, $, >, <, =, & and | are evaluated as literal characters, not operators.

The default is not selected.

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