Export Session

The Export Session window appears in three different contexts:

  • You are a user exporting a session from the Z and I Emulator for Web client desktop
    1. On the Z and I Emulator for Web client desktop, right-click a session icon.
    2. Click Export Session.
    3. The Export Session window appears.
      Note The ability to export a session from a client desktop is available in all three client models (the HTML-based model, the configuration server-based model, and the combined model).
  • You are a Z and I Emulator for Web administrator running the Administration Utility
    1. On the Users/Groups page, right-click a user name or a group name.
    2. Click Sessions.
    3. On the User or Group session window, right-click a session icon.
    4. Click Export Sessions.
    5. The Export Session window appears.
  • You are a Z and I Emulator for Web administrator running the Deployment Wizard
    1. On the Host Sessions page, select a session.
    2. Click Actions > Export Session.
    3. The Export Session window appears.
      Note The ability to export a session in the Deployment Wizard is available only if you have selected the HTML-based client model.

The sections of this help file are:

User Administrator Using exported sessions Limitations on exporting a session


To export a session from the client desktop using the Export Session window:

  1. Type the path and name of the file to which you want to export the session, or else click Browse and then select an existing file.
  2. Click OK.

Z and I Emulator for Web stores the session configuration into the specified file.

If you are exporting a multiple session (a session that launches other sessions), then you must export not only the multiple session itself but also each session launched by the multiple session. For example, if the multiple session launches a 3270 Display session and a 5250 Display session, then you must export all three sessions:

  • The multiple session.
  • The 3270 Display session.
  • The 5250 Display session.


To export a session from the Administration Utility or from the Deployment Wizard using the Export Session window:

  1. Type the path and name of the file to which you want to export the session, or else click Browse and then select an existing file.
  2. Click OK.

Z and I Emulator for Web stores the session configuration into the specified file.

If you are exporting a multiple session (a session that launches other sessions), then you must export not only the multiple session itself but also each session launched by the multiple session. For example, if the multiple session launches a 3270 Display session and a 5250 Display session, then you must export all three sessions:

  • The multiple session.
  • The 3270 Display session.
  • The 5250 Display session.

Using exported sessions

An administrator can use an exported session as a means of copying a session from one administrative tool to another. For example, an administrator can:

  • Import a session into a User session window or a Group session window in the Administration Utility.
  • Import a session into a HTML file in the Deployment Wizard ( HTML-based client model only, see Limitations on importing a session).

An administrator or a user can use an exported session as a means of distributing a session to other users, but only if users who receive the exported session are running the Configuration-server based client model (see Limitations on importing a session).

Limitations on exporting a session

A user can export a session from the client desktop in all three client models (the HTML-based model, the configuration server-based model, and the combined model). The Z and I Emulator for Web administrator must enable the Export Sessions option for the client (see Disable Functions: Desktop).

A Z and I Emulator for Web administrator can export a session from the Deployment Wizard only if the HTML file is being configured to use the HTML-based client model.

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