HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Version 2.0 Readme

Read Me - Please!

This document contains information supplementary to the online help and the publications, including newly added functions, hints, tips, restrictions, and corrections. See the Z and I Emulator for Web Information Center for other considerations when using Z and I Emulator for Web Version 2.0, and for complete product documentation.

Thank you for choosing Z and I Emulator for Web Version 2.0.

Important Notice:We have an exciting update to share as part of our ongoing commitment to improve our services. Later this year, we will launch our new software download portal, 'My HCLSoftware' (MHS), for Mainframe products. Based on your feedback, this portal has been designed to offer a simple route for getting the latest releases, licenses, and updates for your Mainframe product purchases.

For more details on how to access the MHS platform, refer to the Knowledge Base article:https://support.hcltechsw.com/csm?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0114365

What's New in ZIEWeb Version 2.2
What's New in ZIEWeb Version 2.1
What's New in ZIEWeb Version 2.0.1
What's New in ZIEWeb for Client 2.2
What's New in ZIEWeb for Client 2.1
What's New in ZIEWeb for Client 2.0
What's New in ZIEWeb Version 2.2

Server JRE Update

Server JRE has been updated to IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition (JRE) version

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Upgrade of Packaged JRE in HCL ZIE Desktop Client

The version of Java runtime packaged in HCL ZIE Desktop Client has been upgraded to Java

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Deployment Wizard in Admin Console

With this release, the Deployment wizard can also be accessed via HCL ZIEWeb admin console from both the Java client and the Web client.

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Multiple Instance and Upgrade Support

This release supports installation of more than one instance of the product (v2.1.0 and v2.2.0) on the same machine with different configurations. It also supports upgrade installation when user selects v2.1.0 under multiple instance panel.

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Support for Chinese locales – Simplified Chinese (CHS) & Traditional Chinees (CHT)

Starting this release, HCL ZIEWeb supports both Simplified Chinese (CHS) and Traditional Chinese locales.

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Deprecating HCL Licensing Server Pre-requisite

Configuring HCL ZIEWeb with HCL Licensing Server (Flexera) was a pre-requisite to use the product. Starting this release, this pre-requisite has been deprecated.

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Fixes for Internal Defects

This release contains fixes for internal defects to improve productivity and quality.

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What's New in ZIEWeb Version 2.1

Server JRE Update (ZIEWeb version

Server JRE has been updated IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition (JRE) version

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Z and I Emulator for Web Installer Upgrade

Previous versions of the Z and I Emulator for Web were dependent on IBM Installation Manager for the product installation/update and uninstallation.

With the new release, the Z and I Emulator for Web packages have been created using InstallAnywhere. It provides a simple installation method to install Z and I Emulator for Web on all the supported platforms, without any external dependency.

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Flexible Scratchpad

With this release, the Z and I Emulator for Web scratchpad can be resized. It helps end users keep the green screen (emulator) size to suite their requirements.

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Open JNLP using Lite Client Launcher

With this release, Lite Client Launcher capability has been extended to open JNLP files using the launcher solution.

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Introducing New HTML Parameters

  • Optimize Wide Screen for all Sessions: This HTML parameter allows users to set Optimize for Widescreen property for all sessions.
  • Start session with Full screen.: A new HTML parameter is introduced to launch the session in full screen.

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Upgrade SSH Key Exchange and MAC Algorithms

The SSH Key exchange algorithm has been upgraded to diffie-hellman-group14-sha256(SHA-256) and the MAC algorithm is upgraded to hmac-sha2-256.

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Interoperability between HCL ZIE for Windows and ZIE for Web Clients

The Interoperability feature eliminates the restriction of single emulator usage for Z and I Emulator family. When the ZIE for Windows(ZIEWin) client stores the sessions to the ZIE Server using the “Session Manager Online” utility, it converts ZIEWin client sessions to ZIE for Web(ZIEWeb) client sessions, after which the converted sessions will be available for Z and I Emulator family products (ZIEWeb and ZIEWeb Clients). For more information refer to Interoperability between HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows and HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Clients

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What's New in ZIEWeb Version 2.0.1

Server JRE update

Server JRE has been updated to IBM Semeru Runtime™ Open Edition (JRE) version

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TLS 1.3 Support

With this release, support for TLS 1.3 has been enabled for HCL Z and I Emulator for Web. TLS 1.3 will be the default protocol version used for secure negotiations for all types of sessions. Users should be at the JRE level where TLS 1.3 protocol is supported. For more information, refer to TLS 1.3 Support.

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Direct HCL Licensing

With this release, a direct HCL license mechanism is introduced. This removes an additional layer of license configuration, i.e., License Manager. Every client directly communicates with the HCL Licensing Server for the license. Additional to this borrow interval range is increased to accommodate maximum 5 days of HCL Licensing server downtime.

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Keep Alive Enhancement

This feature is introduced to keep alive the Application-level Telnet Session, which detect the partner/host availability. For more information, refer to Keep Alive Enhancement

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Code Page Conversion

Code page conversion support has been extended to UTF8. For more information, refer to Code Page Conversion

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Tab delimiter support in FTP

A new list of HTML parameters is provided to replace the TABS with a single space for the file transferred through the FTP session. For more information, refer to Tab delimiter support in FTP

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Java upgrade for HCL ZIEWeb Desktop Client

HCL ZIEWeb Desktop client Embedded/bundled Java runtime is upgraded to Java 17.

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Usage of specific Java Runtime for ZIEWeb Lite Client

A new environment variable support is added to configure a specific version of Java to be used by the ZIEWeb Lite Client. For more information, refer to Usage of specific Java Runtime for ZIEWeb Lite Client

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Fixes for Internal Defects

This release contains fixes for internal defects to improve the productivity and quality.

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What's New in ZIEWeb for Client 2.2

VT Display and FTP Session support in ZIE for Web Client

Users have an additional capability to work with FTP and VT display sessions from this release.

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Migration Utility

Migration Utility is a web component newly added in this release. It allows users to migrate data from a lower version to a higher version of ZIEWeb.

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Autosuggestion Text on Presentation space

This feature provides an additional capability to predict texts based on the characters entered by a user previously.

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Auto start session with Full screen

An additional HTML parameter is introduced to automatically launch the ZIEWEB client sessions in Full-screen mode.

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Debug Module (Enable logs)

Debug Module feature allows the ZIEWEB client users to capture the logs into the browser console, which will be helpful at the time of debugging.

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Config Server-based model log-in with Microsoft Authentication

This feature enables the ZIEWeb Client users to login to configuration server-based model pages using Microsoft Windows login credentials.

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Printer Session Enhancement

In ZIEWeb client, host file printing allows users to download all print job files individually or as a zip file. The refresh button is provided to monitor the status of print jobs.

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Copy Session

With this feature, sessions can be copied / duplicated from the client pages.

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Host file transfer for DBCS

Added Support for DBCS send/receive file operations.

Newly supported - DBCS Host Code pages are:
  • 939 – Japan (Latin extended) - for 5250 and 3270 sessions.
  • 1390 – Japanese (Katakana Unicode Extended; JIS 2004) - for 3270 sessions only.

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Screen Timers

In the admin console module, users can customize the screen timer for minimum time to wait for screen traversals and maximum time for the initial screen to load.

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Keep Alive Enhancemen

Telnet Keep-Alive is introduced to set the timing with different types of communication between client and server to keep the session alive.

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License Manager Enhancement

As part of the enhancement in ZIEWeb Client, when Client Authentication is enabled, the Common Name (CN) from the certificate will be used for logging data along with the IP address in the License Manager.

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Enhanced Non-Programmable Terminal User Interface (ENPTUI) enables an enhanced interface on Non-Programmable Terminals (NPT) and Programmable Work-Stations (PWS) over the 5250 screen, taking advantage of 5250 display data stream extensions.

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What's New in ZIEWeb for Client 2.1

Web-based Terminal

The Web-Based Terminal option provides an additional capability for the ZIE for Web Clients users to turn the traditional green screen into a modernized look and event handling as a web-based applications.

Office 365 Integration

Office 365 provides the ZIE for Web Clients user to send green screen data or as part of the screen (by providing row and column values) to Office 365 appliactions like Excel, OneNote, and Mail.

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What's New in ZIEWeb for Client 2.0

Web Express Logon in ZIE for Web Client

Web Express Logon (WEL) is a feature in ZIE for Web Client that allows users to perform Single Sign-On while recording macros. Single Sign-On enables users to skip multiple login screens and allows them to login with a single screen. This eliminates the tracking of numerous credentials. For more information, refer to Web Express Logon in ZIE for Web.

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Handling Host Function Keys externally

This feature allows the ZIE for Web Client users to handle the PF host function keys externally. Using the parameter 'isHandleKeyExternaly' as true either in web.properties or via adminconsole and using "handledKeyExternally(keyPressed, data, TEXT_PLANE, sessionName)" function in an external JavaScript. For more information, refer to Handling Host Function Keys externally.

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Customize Attributes

Now, end-user can Import/Export session macros and properties. For more information, refer to Customize Attributes and Exporting a Macro.

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Light Pen Mode

This feature allows the user to use the mouse for light pen functions. This option is useful when the user encounters a host application that requires light pen functions. For more information, refer to Cursor.

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Alternative Screen Size

Defines the number of alternative rows and columns on the screen using IBM-Dynamic in the data stream. This applies to 3270 display sessions with 62x160 screen sizes. For more information, refer to Dynamically modifying Session properties.

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Printer Session

This feature allows the ZIE for Web Client users to enable or disable Print to File and PDT support. Additional to this, if the display session is associated with any printer session, ZIE for Web Client can get the printer session's parameter from the server.

This feature overrides the Printer session's parameters and enables a Customized path for viewing printed files to view printed files even after the session is terminated. For more information, refer to Printer Session.

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Support for DBCS Host code pages

ZIE for Web Client includes support for additional host code pages. Japanese, a Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) language (code page 930), is added to the existing codepage list.

SOSI and AltView functions, exclusive for DBCS sessions, are added to the keypad. For more information, refer to DBCS Host code page.

Note: Japanese Language Keyboard must be installed in the user's system to use this feature.

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Green Screen Font

  • The Lucida Console Monospace font is now supported. For more information, refer to Selectable Font.

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What's New in ZIEWeb Version 2.0

JAR signer certificate upgrade

The code signer certificate used to sign the previous versions of Z and I Emulator for Web will expire on September 24, 2021. In the current version, the Z and I Emulator for Web software is signed with a new code signer certificate that is valid up to April 20, 2024.

This certificate is issued to "HCL America Inc." by "DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA".

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Group mode installation through Z and I Emulator for Web

Starting with v2.0, Z and I Emulator for Web supports group mode installation on all the supported platforms (Linux, UNIX, IBM z/OS, and OS X) using IBM Installation Manager. For more information, refer to Group Mode Installation.

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Addition of ZIE for Web Client

ZIE for Web Client is a plugin free, web-based terminal emulator and allows users to connect to their System z and System i hosts through an HTML5 compatible browser. We also have Web version of ZIE Admin Console bundled with ZIE for Web Client. Unlike Z and I Emulator for Web, ZIE for Web Client does not download any binaries that run on the client machine.

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Fixes for Internal Defects

This release contains fixes for internal defects for improving the product quality.

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Z and I Emulator for Web Information Center

You can find documentation and links to other resources at the Z and I Emulator for Web Information Center.

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System requirements

For information about hardware and software requirements for installing Z and I Emulator for Web, see the System Requirements for Z and I Emulator for Web.

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Installation Instructions

For information on installing HCL Z and I Emulator for Web, refer to the Installation Guide for ZIEWeb.

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HCL Software Support

For support information and managing product cases, visit the HCL Software Customer Support Portal.

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  • HCL
  • 330 Potrero Ave.
  • Sunnyvale, CA 94085
  • USA
  • Attention: Office of the General Counsel


This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. HCL may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.

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  • HCL
  • 330 Potrero Ave.
  • Sunnyvale, CA 94085
  • USA
  • Attention: Office of the General Counsel

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